Otsuma Nakano Frontier


Otsuma Nakano Junior & Senior High School (ONHS) Website


A Greeting from Principal

On behalf of the entire Otsuma Nakano community, I would like to express my thanks to all of you taking a moment to learn about our school and the education we offer.

Our Notion of Education

Our world changes as quickly as people do. It never comes to a standstill. I strongly believe that the age 12 to 18 is crucially important to human’s growth and development. It lays the cornerstone of a whole life.
One way, our education centers on the principle that it should fill in the basic requirements for students who are about to embark on a new world. This principle should be immutable at any time in any place. Another way, our educational program should evolve to meet the needs of this changing world, facing big waves of socio-economic globalization.
Otsuma Nakano is now engaged in the newly acknowledged "Global Education Program". In 2015, Otsuma Nakano was accredited as one of the "Super Global High School Associates" by the Ministry of Education of Japan. In 2016, the school will start a new program, "Global Leaders Course", to realize our vision.
The purpose of this program is, under our School Policy "Arts for Mankind", to foster global leaders at our school, who have global citizenship in mind, and make great contributions to the society, and can be internationally active in the future. It also focuses on the understanding of the rapidly developing world for the whole school community.

Our School Policy

Our school policy "Arts for Mankind" addresses the meaning of learning and human development. It is aimed at creating students who can independently lay their paths for the future, join in various activities, explore new frontiers, always behaving as a front runner in any field, and devote themselves to the creation of the society where everyone can be a proud member of it and prepare for a lifetime personal and professional fulfillment.

Our Mission

Our faculty members are involved in the development of their school culture in which they know children have infinite potentiality to realize their lifetime goals. Our school should be such a place as our students can fulfill their school work and concentrate on their studies as effectively as possible.

Our Global Education

Otsuma Nakano offers the best of total global education: we are committed to developing a fertile educational environment to encourage our students to live in the future world. I think what they are expected to be is to be persons who commit themselves to social diversity, have deep understanding of such a diversity, and change it to a better world.
We proudly announce that we will let this be not just a slogan, but the norm for actions we will take in the future. We will reinforce both our traditional value-added education system and the future-oriented global education at the same time.

Our Cross-cultural Environment

Our school’s enrollment of returnee students is totally about 130 returning from 32 different countries, which means about every one in ten students at the school is a returnee. In this multicultural environment, it naturally creates such a cross-cultural atmosphere that the whole school is under their influence now.
We try to send out our students abroad and have them cooperate with overseas students, especially with Asian students, at every opportunity to make contribution to building up a more peaceful and safer world. They will work together to make the world more eco-centered and change it to the one with no divide and no discrimination.
We will not take just one single measurement but use multilateral approaches to achieve this goal and accomplish it with our further endeavor and idealism.

Last but not least, our education goals will be achieved not just in the short range, but in the long-ranged time span since our students and their families must live through this rapidly shifting world of the 21st century.


Mr. Takao Morohashi