
From New Zealand_Report_on_New Plymouth GHS_May_13th_2016

Ayaka Okada, who is a Year 10th student of Otsuma Nakano High School, is also now joining New Plymouth Girls’ High School in New Zealand for 2nd term of 2016.  Here we would like to introduce her updated report on her kicking off school life there.  She looks so impressed and amazed with its great nature there.


Hello everyone! I'm Ayaka Okada, a Year 10th student of Otsuma Nakano High School.  I am going to stay here in New Plymouth, New Zealand for about 2 months as a study abroad program.


I arrived here on Friday 29th of April with two other girls. It was such a long trip that we all got very tired, but we spent that weekend with our host family, so we could have a rest.


On Saturday afternoon, I went to the Oakura beach with my host family including my host mother, host father and host sister. I felt the sand with my feet, and surprised with the beautiful nature I could see. The sky was clear blue, and the ocean was shiny blue with crystal clear water. I've never seen such beautiful nature in Japan, so I was very happy about that.

On Sunday, I went to a little zoo. There were only about 10 types of animals but all of them were so cute, especially the otters!! After that, I played with my host sister in the playground. There was a lot of playground equipment which I had never seen in Japan. One of the equipment which I had interest in was the one called 'octopus.'  It's kind of like a seesaw in Japan but with four sides. You can see in the picture below.



On Monday, I started to go to the New Plymouth Girl's High School (NPGHS).  I was in mixed emotion of excited and nervous about going to school, but there were no problems. Teachers and students there are both very kind, and friendly. We had an orientation from Monday to Wednesday in order to know more about NPGHS. And my classes started on Thursday. I had to follow my timetable like other students, but the area was very big that I was late in some classes. I am taking ESOL (the class for international students), English, Math, Science and also PE and Hospitality as my optional subjects.  I am enjoying going to the school so far and having so much fun!



On Saturday, I went to watch my host sister’s netball game. It was a first time for me to see the netball but I thought it is a tough game, and it’s difficult to play. Netball isn’t common in Japan, so it was a good chance for me to know about it.


I’m feeling that I want to know more about New Plymouth and KIWIs.


Thank you for reading this report!!


Kind regards,



こんにちは! 岡田彩也夏です!私は約2か月間ニュープリマスに留学します。




土曜日には、Oakura Beachというところにいきました。日本にいたときには見たこともないような美しい海が見れてよかったです。日曜日には、小さな動物園に行ったり、公園で遊んだりしました。公園には、日本で見たことがない’octopus’という名前の遊具がありました。4か所乗るところがあって、シーソーが2つ合体したような乗り物でとても面白かったです。


そして、月曜日からNew Plymouth Girl’s High School に通い始めました。私は楽しみな気持ちと不安な気持ちが混ざっていましたが、先生も生徒のみんなもとっても優しくてフレンドリーだったので、なんの心配もいりませんでした。月曜日から水曜日までは、学校について知るためのオリエンテーションがありました。 木曜日からは、他の生徒と同様に時間割に沿って行動しなければなりませんでしたが、敷地面積が広すぎていくつかの授業には遅れてしまうこともありました。私は、ESOL,英語、数学、理科(生物)に加えて、Hospitality と体育の授業を選択科目として選びました。まだ学校に行き始めてから少ししか経っていませんが、もうすでに学校生活を楽しんでいます。






