From America_Study at University of Saint Joseph_6
August 3rd, Wednesday, 2016
A beautiful morning celebrated with sunshine came back to Hartford. The air in the morning was rather cool and chilly, which made us feel as if we were in an excellent and fancy summer resort. Also very clear blue sky welcomed us into McDonough for joining an Education class in the University of Saint Joseph.
Today, in the morning, we had a special education class with Dr. Joann Cunard. University of Saint Joseph is well-known for its outstanding care-education and child education. The instructor is Dr. Joann Cunard, Ph.D of Education. Otsuma Nakano students were eager to participate in this class doing active in learning about how to organize young child education in USJ. They could recognize what would be required to be a teacher from this class of Dr. Joann Cunard. We hope some of them will be keen to be a teacher in their careers in the future.
In the afternoon, Dr. Dorothy Keller, Chairperson of Department of Fine Arts of the University of Saint Joseph, came again to us. She took us to the Wadsworth Antheneum (Art Museum) in the city center of Hartford. The Wadsworth Antheneum, which is the oldest museum in the United State, is a great museum exhibiting historical architecture, selected works of traditional fine arts and modern / pop arts in America.
This museum, newly renowned, showcases from Greek and Roman antiquities to Contemporary art, including world famous masterpieces like works of Caravaggio, Salvador Dali, Picasso and Piet Mondorian, Andy Warhol. Dr. Keller never stopped talking to us about these magnificent fine arts. Her passion for arts is overwhelming to us, which also teaches us how important it is to study what you really love.
Dr. Keller advised us to go to many places as possible as you can. Also you should go to places where their cultures are quite different from yours, which is sure to allow you to view the world from different standpoints. At the end of this tour, Dr. Keller gave us each special hugs with encouraging words and we all thanked Dr. Keller for her admirable guiding and instruction about these fine arts and our lives.
- “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” – Saint Augustine
午後は昨日に引き続き、ドロシー・ケラー教授(セント・ジョセフ大学のアート学科の主任教授・博士)と一緒にハートフォードの中心街にあるWadsworth ミュージアムでの勉強です。この美術館はアメリカで最も古い美術館ですが、最近、リニューアルして、コレクションが非常に充実してきました。古代ギリシア、ローマの美術品から、現代アートまで幅広くコレクションしています。カラバッジョ、サルバドール・ダリ、ピカソ、モンドリアンから、アンディ・ウオーホルなどの有名な作品もあります。ケラー教授の驚くべき博識とアートへの深い理解と愛情が、彼女の説明から溢れてきます。
「世界は一冊の書物である。旅をしないものは、そのわずかに1ページだけしか読んでいないのだ」 – 聖アウグスティヌス