
From America_Study Report On Pleasant Hill HS_Nov.2016

We are so highly of sharing with you this new report from Oregon, America.  Akane Takahashi, who is joining Pleasant Hill High School for our students exchange program for one year long, would like to give you very interesting real American life there.   The following is her report:


I can’t believe it’s already a time for me to write the report!


In Oregon, it’s getting so cold that I feel like wearing my coat every day.  It is hard for me to get up early for school because the sun rises at around seven o’clock in the morning.  Also it’s been raining so hard these days.  I don’t really like the rain because our horses get muddy and it is hard to clean them up.


This month, Pleasant Hill High School had a Homecoming Dance Party.  My friend and I  went to take pictures at Elijah Bristow.  It was very nice place to take pictures. Then we headed to Hometown Buffet.  I felt like I ate a lot of “American food” there.  At 8:00 PM, we went to our school and enjoyed the dance party.  It was very crowded, but it was fun since because this was my first time experiencing the dance party. We stayed at the dance party until 11 o’clock at night.  I was very tired when I got home but I thought we should have a dance party like this in Japan too.


The chickens we have laid eggs and now we have seven baby chickens! They are so cute but growing so fast that they can do most of the things that grown up chickens can do. We were lucky this time since we have a lot of hens, which means we can have more eggs pretty soon!  The difficult point is that they don’t lay eggs in the coop.  They hide the nest somewhere in the bush.  I am trying to find their nest, but I haven’t found one so far. Today, my host mother found a nest in front of our house and got 10 eggs.  We have to be careful because some eggs we find in the bush might be old. I hope I can find a big nest and have egg party with my host family.


On october 31, my friend and I  went to trick-or-treating. We went to Eugene and got tons of candies.  It was very fun walking down the street and see people’s costumes.  I wish we can go trick-or-treating in Japan at our age too. There were many candies that I haven’t tried before so I am excited to try it!


Basketball season in PHHS is starting on November 14.  It has been two months since the last time I played.  Now I am practicing with Ms. Ermini, the coach of the girls’ basketball team in PHHS. I hope I can practice more and be prepared by the time the season starts.




今月はPleasant Hill High School ではホームカミングというダンスパーティーがありました。私は友達とElijah Bristowという所で写真を撮りました。写真を撮るにはとても良いところでした。その後はHometown Buffetで夜ご飯を食べました。ビュッフェだったのでアメリカのジャンクフードを沢山食べた気がしました。夜の8時に学校に行き、ダンスパーティーを楽しみました。沢山人がいて混んでいましたが、私にとって初めてのダンスパーティーだったので楽しかったです。私たちは23時まで学校でパーティーをしていました。家に着いてからはとても疲れたような気がしましたが、日本でもこのようなパーティーがあればいいなあっと思いました。






11月14日にPHHSではバスケットボールのシーズンが始まります。最後にプレイした日からもう二ヶ月近く経っています。最近ではバスケットボールのコーチのMs. Erminiと一緒に個人練習をしています。シーズンが始まる前にもっと沢山練習をしてバスケットボールのシーズンに備えられたらいいです。
