A congratulatory address from St. Andrew’s Catholic College_Australia
わたしたちのオーストラリアの姉妹校(sister school)の校長、Mr. Lee MacMaster 先生からは、卒業生に向けた祝辞が寄せられました。姉妹校の校長として、学校を代表し、心より、本校の生徒の卒業に祝福とそして未来へのガイディング・ライトとなる言葉が記されています。本校の卒業生の中で、特にこのオーストラリアに留学した生徒たちにとっては、もう一つの母校の校長としてのお祝いの言葉が送られています。私達は、大いなる名誉を持ってこのオーストラリアの姉妹校の校長先生からの祝辞を受け取りました。 セントアンドリュースに今、留学している本校生徒にも届くように、ここで改めて紹介させていただきます。
We have a great honor of sharing the outstanding congratulatory address for our graduating students, which is from Mr. Lee MasMaster, Principal of the St. Andrew's Catholic College, Cairns, Australia. This is our great sister school in Queensland, Australia. Mr. MacMaster delivered his special remarks to our graduating students as their another old school principal, especially to some graduating students who attended St. Andrew's as international exchange students. It is our greatest pleasure to share this remarks here on our school website, which will be shared with all of the St. Andrew's Catholic College community and Otsuma Nakano students who are there to study at St. Andrew's. The address is as follows:
Dear Students of the Graduating Class of 2017 from Otsuma Nakano High School, Family and Friends of the Year 12 students, Members of Staff, and the Students of Otsuma Nakano High School.
Today is a day of great celebration, particularly for the graduating Year 12 class of 2017 and yet embedded in all the celebrations of completing secondary education at Otsuma Nakano High School, there are the emotions of sadness. Sadness because we all take for granted the stable and predictable elements in our lives and one very significant stable and predictable element draws to a close for the Year 12 students today – no more school at Otsuma Nakano High School.
Year 12 students, my great wish for you is that as you leave today you are able to hold your heads high, with great pride and distinction. My hope also is that this continues well into the future.
A great adventure awaits you all as you go from the safety of this controlled environment at Otsuma Nakano High School to one where you are far more at liberty to choose your own paths. That is right and appropriate and a significant rite of passage in your life journey. The joys of greater freedom and responsibility await you and I believe that Otsuma Nakano High School has prepared you well to take on this challenge and change in direction in your lives.
Your Graduation today is a wonderful achievement that in time you will look back on with pride regarding the friends you have made, the experiences you have enjoyed and the successes you have achieved.
Today I send my very special ‘graduation’ wishes to Eri, Mirai and Chiaki. All three girls along with Haruka who has now left Otsuma Nakano High School spent a term with us in Cairns last year as part of the Otsuma Nakano High School – St Andrew’s Catholic College Redlynch exchange program. You are very much in our prayers and thoughts today as you graduate from school and enter the next phase of your life. You are all loved and admired by the staff and students at St Andrew’s. You are all welcome at any time to visit and re-establish your friendship links in Australia.
I am sure your School Principal, Ms Miyazawa and the staff of Otsuma Nakano High School are proud of your achievements over the years, your successes in a wide range of pursuits from outstanding academic achievements, to the cultural pursuits of performance, art and music through to sport. You have willingly and enthusiastically accepted the challenges and grasped the many opportunities, to positively influence the student body as a whole. For that, I am sure Otsuma Nakano High School is very proud of you all.
Graduating Year 12 students, I would like you all to consider what it means to succeed and what that will mean for you all. Regardless of what your endeavours may be, the future is yours to take advantage of, to make a difference and to understand what great opportunities there are for the taking.
Success isn’t about being rich or famous; it’s to have love in your heart for others and to lead a wonderful life. Success is about fulfilment and happiness, and to be surrounded by loving family and friends. To feel satisfied in your career pathway but more importantly in how you serve others. Success is achieving a goal that you know you have personally persevered at and can stand back and be proud of what you have accomplished.
The recipe for success in life that Otsuma Nakano High School has been preparing you for goes like this:-
1. Treat people and yourself well
2. Work hard and find the balance in life
3. Strive to make a difference to the lives of people you meet and the people you already know.
Graduating Year 12 students, I believe that there are three types of people in this world:
1. Those that make things happen
2. Those who watch things happen
3. And those who wonder what happened.
Please be that person who makes things happen. What an exciting world you are contributing to!
Your teachers, like your parents, can now only look on as you move ahead on your own two feet, striding into the wonderful future that is the rest of your life.
Finally Year 12 graduating students, I wish you the very best of luck in the pursuit of your dreams and goals. Whilst Otsuma Nakano High School will no longer be providing that daily predictable element for you, please do not lose sight of the values the school has tried to embed in each of you. Your families will no doubt continue to provide that guidance and encouragement for many years to come.
Good luck Year 12 graduates from all of us at your sister school St Andrew’s Catholic College, Redlynch (Cairns, Australia).
Mr Lee MacMaster
1.変化を起こす人 (ものごとを起こすことができる人)