
From America Exchange at the University of Saint Joseph #1

Now another shot term exchange program has kicked off in America.  This program is organized by the University of Saint Joseph at West Harford in Connecticut, one of our educational partners in the world.  This is a very special exchange program for Otsuma Namano students because they can study with current American university students and learn many things from the main stream faculty staff of American university.


Very late at last night, we arrived at this beautiful campus after a very long journey from Narita to Chicago and took a connecting flight at Chicago O’Hare for Bradley in Connecticut, which took us more than 20 hours including out connecting time at Chicago!! 


Today is the very first day for Otsuma Nakano students to be with the students and faculty of the University of Saint Joseph, which means that today was a very big day for us because we had an orientation, guided campus tour, special lecture about admission, lecture on fine art and showing tea ceremony.  What a super busy day today!  But at the tea ceremony, it was our great pleasure to host President, Provost and other administration staff of the University of Saint Joseph to show our special gratitude to their hospitality to us all.





美しいセントジョセフ大学のキャンパスとその中心となるMcDonough Hallとアドミッション・オフィスのあるMercy Hall. ここで大学学長を迎え、Tea Ceremonyを行いました。




大学学長、副学長など、大学トップの方々をお招きしたtea ceremony。日本の茶道のことについて、英語で丁寧に生徒が説明をしました。大学の先生方は, Lovely!!  Interesting!!









