From Dr. Hattori Special English Class for Elementary Returnees
From Dr. Hattori Special English Class for Elementary Returnees for their English retention
On October 13th, Saturday, Otsuma Nakano held a very special class for elementary returnees and their parents welcoming as a lecturer Dr. Hattori, Ph.D in linguistic, Dean of the Institution of Research for English Education and a professor of Otsuma Women’s University. In this class, students and their parents enjoyed playing “Word Chain Game” with helping each other. A word chain game is a kind of word game in which players come up with words that begin with the letter or letters that the previous word ended with.
About 30 students and their parents were actively working together to come up with a series of words chain as many as possible. Some parents seemed to be very excited to think of the words in chain. To wrap up of this class, Dr. Hattori recapped how important it is and it will be for parents to facilitate their children, who are “returnees”, to give many opportunities to keep up their English proficiency when they get back to Japan. In order to do that, parents’ mindset and attitude to support their children would be crucial.
10月13日(土)の本校の「帰国小学生英語講座」は、本校の帰国生教育、英語教育のスーパーバイザーである言語学博士、服部孝彦教授を迎えて、Games and Activities for Returnees ~親子で楽しむ英語のゲーム~を実施しました。服部孝彦先生は、海外子女教育振興財団(JOES)の外国語保持教室の監修者で、帰国生の英語保持・伸長研究の第一人者として活躍されています。また、本校のSGHプログラム、英語教育のスーパーバイザーでもいらっしゃいます。
服部先生は、言語学者として、帰国生の第二言語喪失のメカニズムを研究されています。その研究実績をもとに、帰国生の英語力保持のための効果的な活動を紹介していただいております。帰国生の英語忘却で最も顕著なのは語彙の忘却です。そこで語彙力の喪失を防ぐための親子で取り組める楽しいアクティビティーとして、今回は教室でWord Chainを行いました。
Word Chainゲームは“A word game in which players come up with words that begin with the letter or letters that the previous word ended with.”すなわち「英語のしりとり」です。今回の教室では、約30名の帰国小学生講座の参加生とその保護者で、服部先生のファシリティトで、自然な形で、楽しみながら英語に触れ、親子で英語学習に取り組んでいました。