From Australia – Report on Assignments, Fitzroy Island and “Pancake Day”
The updated report reached us from Australia. Kanae Okada shared with us all her very informative and interesting report on her distinctive experiences there in Cairns.
Hello! I’m Kanae Okada, an exchange student at St. Andrew’s Catholic College in Cairns, Australia. It’s been 6 weeks already since I came here in Australia! Here in Cairns, it often rains suddenly during the day and the temperature does not rise, so it is comfortable for us to spend a day. Today I would write about my assignment, my weekend and a traditional event.
An assignment is a kind of essay and report for students to do at home. We have to summarize our opinions with setting issues by myself, making researches and making conclusions. I am working on the assignments on religion, math, English, science, coding, and Japanese. As for English assignment, I have to read “TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD” before working on my assignment. Reading this book is very hard. What’s more, when I am reading this book, I must find social inequality written in this book and put the tags on the scenes of discrimination. So, I work on the assignments based on the parts where the sticky notes are on.
Last weekend, I went to an island called Fitzroy Island by ship. The ship to the island sometimes shook so terribly that it was like a roller coaster, but it was fun for me. We played a card game in the ship. It was a game I did not know, so I got confused at first, but I found it was like UNO.
When I arrived at Fitzroy Island, the sea was very beautiful, which surprised me very much! What’s more, I did scuba diving there for the first time. At first, I was worried about whether I could breathe properly in the sea, but it was easier than I thought. And I really enjoyed it. I saw lots of fishes and fish egg, which looked very small. Sometimes the sea water entered my mouth, which was very awful.
March 5th was the day called “Pancake Day”. Pancake Day is an unfamiliar culture in Japan, but in Christianity, it is a traditional event. Before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday, the 40 days leading up to Easer Festival, when Christians fast before the Easter festival, they eat pancakes to keep their nutrition with eggs and milk. Every year, on Tuesday in February called Shrove Tuesday, they eat pancakes. The Shrove Tuesday is linked to the Easter, so the date is different from each year. As it should be on the “47 days before Easter Sunday”, this year it was on March 5th.
It is mainly done in Episcopal Church in the countries such as Britain, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and some other countries. In these countries, Protestant and Catholic people eat pancakes on the Shrove Tuesday. I am happy that I could experience an Australian traditional event that I have never done in Japan!
Thank you for reading my report!
私はreligion, math, English, science, coding, Japanese のアサインメントに取り組んでいます。Englishのアサインメントに取り組む前に ‘TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD” という本を読まなくてはいけません。この本を読むのが一番大変です?本を読むときは、本の中で書かれているsocial inequalityを見つけて付箋を貼っておき、その付箋を貼った部分をもとにアサインメントに取り組みます。
3月5日はパンケーキデーと呼ばれる日でした。パンケーキデーは日本になじみのない文ですが、キリスト教では伝統行事です。パンケーキデーは、キリスト教信者が復活祭前に行う40日の断食期間の前に、卵や牛乳で栄養を摂っておくため、パンケーキを食べたるそうです。毎年2月の告解の火曜日(Shrove Tuesday)にパンケーキを食べる伝統がオーストラリアにもあるみたいです。Shrove Tuesday は復活祭に連動するため、日にちが毎年違います。「イースター・サンデーの47日前」として数えるので、今年は3月5日がパンケーキデーでした。ちなみにShrove Tuesdayにパンケーキを食すのは主に英国、アイルランド、カナダ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドなどの聖公会やそのほか一部プロテスタント、カトリックなどの国々だそうです。日本では経験できないオーストラリアの伝統行事を経験することができてよかったです!