From Australia – World’s Greatest Shave at St. Andrew’s Catholic College
Another final report for the exchange programs in Australia reaches us.
Hello! Happy to report you from Australia. I’m Kanae Okada, an exchange student at St. Andrew’s Catholic College in Cairns, Australia. As all exchange students mention, time passes so quickly. I have only two weeks left until I get back to Japan. In recent days, rain and wind are terrible as hurricanes are approaching Cairns. In this report I would like to write about “World’s Greatest Shave and my farm experience.
There was an event called World’s Greatest Shave last Friday, March 15th. This is a charity event for raising the awareness of blood diseases. In addition, they are collecting donations of funds for cancer or leukemia patients. And some students shave their hair at school for this event. What surprised me most was that some girls also shaved their hair. The teachers conducted the interview the shaved students, and the whole school was involved in this event and it was very livening up. Overall, I think that it is a very good event because it does not only make us active for charity also it gives us great opportunities to change the way of thinking for diseases such as leukemia and to raise funds.
Let me change my topic into the farm stay. The reason we stayed at the farm is that the host father’s colleague was going to a wedding ceremony with his family, so they wanted us to look after the animals at the farm. The place is Malanda, an hour and a half by car from Cairns. I stayed from Friday evening to Sunday evening. As I could not use my mobile phone, I was very worried about that, but I could enjoy staying there. At the farm there are two horses, cats, dogs and many cows. It was very large farm and I was surprised at the beautiful view even though it was a bit cloudy. Looking after the animals at the farm was not as difficult as I had expected. We took care of brushing horses and did feeding them. I thought it was a unique experience that we cannot do it in Japan. That is when I got up there were 3 dogs at the farm. I was really surprised because I cannot think that dogs without their dog owners can behave as they want in Japan. I have no experience to stay at a farm or take care of animals in Japan, so it was very good experience for me.
This is my last report, thank you for reading!
こんにちは!岡田かなえです。一日一日がとても速く帰国まで2週間を切りました。ケアンズには今ハリケーンが近づいているので雨と風がすごいです。今回のレポートでは学校であったWorld’s greatest shaveというイベントとファームに泊まった時のことをかきたいと思います。
先週の金曜日(3/15)にWorld’s greatest shaveというイベントがありました。World greatest shaveというのは、チャリティーイベントで、血液系疾患の認識を高めるためのイベントです。さらに白血病などへの基金の寄付を募っています。また、何人かの生徒は髪の毛を学校で剃ってもらっていました。私が一番驚いたのは女の子も髪の毛を剃っていたことです。先生が髪の毛を剃った生徒にインタビューするなど、学校全体でこのイベントにかかわていてすごく盛り上がっていました。また、楽しめるとともに白血病などの病気に対しての考え方が変わるきっかけにもなり、募金も集められるのでとてもいいイベントだと思いました。