
From America – A Farewell to my high school in Texas with special thanks

Life is a series of Hellos and Good-byes. June is the farewell season for students in many countries because it is the end of its academic year.  A one-year long exchange student who has been in America, Mei Suenaga, gives you her farewell report from Texas, USA.

Hello, everyone. I’m Mei Suenaga. I’m an exchange student for one year at a local high school in Texas, America. It’s now less than a week until I go home.  I did this report every month, but this report is going to be the last one. Time flies so fast!  But I feel really happy that I was able to complete my study abroad safely until the end.  Now, I’ll write about the awards ceremony and look back on my past days in the States.

American high schools can get their sponsors if the schools are enthusiastic about sports, and some schools are very strong at football, so their sponsors provide uniforms and meal tickets to them.

As for my school, next year it will be sponsored by Under Armor. So, my school held a special ceremony for celebrating it. We walked to the football stadium to win a prize for an award. I got first place, so I could join this ceremony. My name sounds difficult for them to pronounce, so the teacher couldn’t speak out my name correctly. It was just as I had expected.  The teacher said, “Miai Sunnaga.” So, I didn’t almost recognize my name when it was called.  It was really funny, but I could get the prize. My host family came to the ceremony for me. So, I was very happy.

There’s so much to say about my study abroad that I can’t write it all.  It has been just ten months since when I left Narita airport. I was full of enthusiasm before coming here.  However, I couldn’t understand English at first, so I struggled. Then I realized my lack of English ability.  Hard work always pays off.

My English is now understandable. I realized my English is getting better than ever before! There are a lot of fun times, but there are painful and sad times too. But my host family always supported me. Thanks to my host family, Japanese family, teachers and my friends, I was able to have happy study abroad life. This foreign exchange program was so much good experience for me that this will be in my memories forever as well.

Thank you for reading my report!

みなさん、こんにちは、私は交換留学生としてアメリカ テキサス州に留学している高校2年生の末永芽です。帰国まで残り1週間を切り、本当にあっという間だったと実感しています。毎月提出していたこのレポートも今回が最後になります。この最後のレポートでは、運動部として表彰されたことと、この10ヶ月間の留学生活を振り返りたいと思います。

アメリカの高校ではスポーツが盛んで、特にフットボールが強い学校にはスポンサーがついてユニホームや食事券など無料でサポートしてもらうことができます。来年から私が通っている高校にアンダーアーマーがスポンサーとしてつくことが決まり、学校でセレモニーが行われました。今年度、賞を収めた運動部の生徒がスタジアムで名前を呼ばれ表彰されます。私もテニスの大会で優勝したためこのセレモニーに参加することができました。日本人の名前は発音しづらいようで、「ミアイ スンナガ〜」と別人のように呼ばれてしまいましたが、無事表彰していただきました。留学最後のイベントに、ホストファミリーがスタジアムで声援を送ってくれたことがとても嬉しかったです。





