
From Burnaby, Canada, Thanks Giving, Halloween and Daylight Saving Time

Hello, everyone. I’m Akari Funanami.  I’m studying abroad at Burnaby Mountain Secondary School in Canada. It’s getting cold recently. The temperature in the morning is 1-5 degree.  However, the temperature goes up to 10 degree at noon. Consequently, I am having trouble choosing my clothes.  Also, sometimes, I don’t know if it gets hot or cold the day. How about Japan?  In this report, I will be introducing about three big events in Canada.

The first one is “Thanksgiving Day”. It is a holiday to be celebrated in Canada on the second Monday in October. On Thanksgiving Day, Canadians give thanks for a successful harvest or for blessings received during the year. This day we have much bigger dinner than usual. Common foods are served including roast turkey and pumpkin pie.  The dinner at my house was like this:  

I had thanksgiving dinner with my host family, the relatives of my host family and my friends. I ate turkey only at Disneyland in Japan, so it was a precious experience for me.

The second one is “Halloween”. It is a very famous event in Japan too. However, Canadian Halloween is bigger than Japan. In my school, we had Halloween costume fashion show. Accordingly, many people came to school with costume. The teachers were also costumed. That is this picture.

This picture is teachers.

I wore a black dress and head band. I walked around the house at night and I went for trick or treat. I got some sweets. I can’t eat them all within few days!

Canadian Halloween was so fun for me.

The third one is “Daylight Saving Time”.  We advance clock hands by 1 hour on the second Sunday in March and we move the clock hand back 1 hour on the first Sunday in November. It has used by countries with a large difference in sunshine hours between summer and winter. For example, America and Canada are the ones. Its purpose is for people to make full use of sunlight time and to reduce electricity consumption.  In fact, I have to leave home at 6:30 am in the morning when I have chorus class. I was scary because it is very dark in the early morning.  However, thanks to this system, it will be a little brighter, so I am probably not scary.

I could have many experiences regarding Canadian culture in October. What’s more, I am happy to share them with everyone by this report. I have a chorus concert on November, so I want to practice chorus very hard. Thank you for reading my report.


一つ目は、Thanksgiving Dayです。Thanksgiving Dayとは毎年10月の第二月曜日に、収穫が成功したこと、またはその年に受けた祝福に感謝する日です。この日はいつもより豪華な夕食で、ターキーやパンプキンパイを家族と一緒に食べます。私はホストファミリーとその親戚と私と私の友達と一緒に夕食を食べました。日本では、ディズニーランドでしかターキーを食べたことがなかったので、とても貴重な体験が出来ました。


三つ目は、”Daylight Saving Time”です。これは、毎年3月の第2日曜日に時計の針を1時間進め、11月の第1日曜日に1時間戻す事です。これは、夏と冬で日照時間の差が大きいカナダやアメリカで使われているものです。またこれは、太陽の出ている時間帯を最大限に活用し、照明などに使われる電気消費量を削減するために使われています。私は、コーラスの授業がある日は、朝の6時半に家を出なければならなくてこわかったですが、これで少しは明るくなるので良かったです。

