
”From Canada” 中学2年生 カナダセミナー オンラインレポート




参加生徒 中学2年 E.K. さんのレポート

I am interested in studying English, and I wanted to interact with foreigners.  So I decided to participate in this Canada Seminar in the summer vacation.

A host family’s house looked much bigger than houses in Japan, and the kitchens and garden were especially wide and amazed.  All the host families were kind and I was very happy that they praised me very much when I answered.  In the free talk time, our buddy talked to me about his hobbies and favorite things.  The story was interesting because she is around the same age as I and has the same hobbies.

In this program, I learned that “I will try to tell my opinion even if I make some mistakes.”  I want to be able to express my opinions in English with confidence, so that I will make use of this experience.  For that reason, I will study more English.




参加生徒 S.S. さんのレポート

I am interested in talking in English and I always think that I want to talk to as many people as possible in English, and want to know more about different countries.  Actually, I cannot go to Canada this time, but I still wanted to experience Canada online, so I decided to participate in this program.

It was a lot of fun because the host family taught me about their home, furniture, rooms and life in very bright atmosphere.  Among them, I was surprised with their super large garden and kitchen.

Even if you are not good at English, it is more fun to communicate with people actively than to keep silent, so it is very important to speak positively yourself.   This is what I learned from this experience.  This time, I experienced Canada online, so the next time, I would like to go to Canada actually and communicate with Canadian people.




参加生徒 H. S.さんのレポート

I was planning to study abroad in Canada, but the real Canada seminar was canceled due to COVID.  However, since I know it would be held online, I definitely wanted to participate in the program.

I was very anxious to contact with Canadian people, but when I actually met with them, they all smiled and they were very kind.   I learned that it was very different from Japan because of their large kitchen, huge living room, and swimming pool.   Also, I was very happy to know what I liked during the speech on the final day, and the buddy who happened to task me a question when I talked about something.  I think that study abroad will be carried out when COVID is settled.

I felt uneasy but happy in the end.  And I hope I will be able to make use of this experience and have fun talking with people of the country when I go there in the future.  Although it was online, I was able to contact with locals, and I think I can learn much about Canada in a short period of time.  I would like to continue studying English and participating in different programs.

私は、カナダ留学に参加予定でしたが、中止となってしまいました。しかし、オンラインで実施されるということなので、ぜひ参加したいと思いました 最初はカナダの人たちと繋がるのはとても不安でしたが、実際に会ってみると、みんな笑顔ですごく優しいのがつたわりました。 広いキッチンや広いリビング、プールなどもあって、日本とは大違いだと思いました。また、最終日のスピーチの際に、自分の好きなこと、好きなものを話した際に、バディも知っている人がいて、とてもうれしくなりました。

