From Germany and France New Study Abroad Program in Europe
Now Otsuma Nakano study abroad programs in Germany have kicked off. It’s great to share these updated exchange reports from France and Germany. Voilà Hier!
フランス留学生から -
Bonjour, Je m’appelle U.I. J’appre n ds le f ran çais et j’étudie à l’école saint denis international school.
こんにちは!私はフランス語を学ぶため、現在、フランスのロシュにあるサンドニインターナショナルに留学している U,I です。
現在、フランスの一月 の気温は日本よりも少し寒いくらいです。 今は結構寒いですが 夏になると 40 度を超えると聞いたのですごく驚きました。フランスもバカンスが終わり、学校が始まりました。 授業の内容も徐々に難しくなりつつあるのでもっと頑張ろうと思います。
突然ですが、今回私が話そうと思うのは “文化 です。 フランス人のみんなは留学生に対してとても親切なのですが、特に日本のことについて詳しいフランス人が多いように感じました。 私 がフランスに来たばかりの 頃 、 右も左も分からず、さらに言語が通じないという状況で現地の子たちと唯一 、共有できたツールが日本の漫画やアニメでした。 漫画?アニメ?と思う方もいらっしゃると思いま すが、このように一つでも分かり合える文化があるということに私はとても感動したし 大切だと思いました 。
私 の場合は 語学留学のためフランスに来てるので、 語学を習得 する必要がありますが、 親の転勤や家庭の事情で外国に来た子はすごく大変だと思います。特に幼い子で 現地の学校に入学した場合、その子がその国の言語をある程度習得していない限りは 、その子がすぐに学校に馴染むのは難しいと思います。私がもしそのような状況に置かれたらとても心細くなるでしょう。ですが、そんな時に一つでも国が違う 子供たち に共通するコミュニティ があればとても助か ると思います。そんなことを一月はすごく感じました。 私自身ももっとフランスの文化を知って、逆に 私が 日本の人に フランスの面白い文化を 広げられるよう になりたいです。
前半はこんな感じで、後半は少しだけ一月に私が したことについて話そうと思います。フランスは 今コロナがすごく流行っているので、私のホストファミリーの家もあまり遠出はしていないのですが、全然歩いていないので運動も兼ねて湖に行きました。そこはいろいろ な種類の 鳥が 生活している 湖だったのですが日本ではあまり見ないような珍しい種類の鳥も多くて面白かったです。大体二時間くらい歩いて 家に 帰りました。 外はとても 寒かったのでホストマザーがホットショコラとフレンチトーストを作ってくれました。とっても暖かくて美味しかったです。最後に自分の部屋の窓から見えた空がとっても綺麗だったのでその時に撮った写真も載せておきます。よかったら見てください。
From Germany, ドイツ留学生から
Hi! This is A.N, studying in Heidelberg, Germany. Since it’s my first report I would like to write about my school life in Heidelberg.
Our first class starts at 7:55 so we leave the dormitory around 7:30 and we use the tram to get to school. One class is 45 minutes but usually two classes continue so the fact it’s 90 minutes. First, I thought it will be hard for me to concentrate but we get some tasks that we use our mind a lot so it wasn’t hard than I thought it will be. School ends depending on the day but sometimes it ends at 13 o’clock so we get to go shopping and play with our friends. We go to an international school so there are many students from abroad. Also, not like in Japan, we only have about 10 student per class, so we get at least one chance to speak in classes.
Now, I would like to write about some events that we had so far. Last Wednesday, we had a TED Talk Youth. 4 students were presenting, and we watched two real TED Talk on YouTube. I thought the presenters were amazing and it was a perspective as their own backgrounds.
Also, on Friday we went to a field trip to Frankfurt. We went to the Jewish Museum. On the 3rd floor we learned about the history of Jewish, the 2nd floor was about the culture and the religion, and the 1st floor was about Anne Frank. I found that 2nd floor was very interesting for me because I only knew the history of Jewish, but I was able to learn about the mind set of Jewish religion and cultures there.
My life here started two weeks ago, but I only have two months left so I want to try my best studying. Thanks for reading until the end and see you next time!
次に最近あったイベントについて書こうと思います。先週の水曜日TED Talk Youthがありました。4人の生徒がプレゼンテーションを発表し、2つの実際のTED Talkも動画で視聴しました。発表者のみなさんはそれぞれの視点から自分の主張したいことを発表していて非常に興味深かったです。
From Germany, ドイツ留学生から
Hi, I am A.E. It’s been two weeks since I left Japan for Germany. First of all, it took a lot of courage to leave for Germany. I was worried about the number of COVID19 cases in Germany and whether I would be able to adapt to the new environment and whether I would be able to speak English. However, once I arrived in Germany, my worries disappeared thanks to my friends and classmates who were kind enough to help me in the dormitory and at school.
Of course, I was very nervous on the first day, and since I had just finished a 12-hour flight, I couldn’t talk to anyone except for a Chinese girl who asked me questions at dinner. The next day, she showed me how to get to the school with her. When I arrived at the school, my classmates showed me around. My classmates also spoke a little slower and gentler when they spoke.
On Mondays, we had the most classes and school ended late. On Mondays, the number of classes is the largest and the school ends late, and there is often no break when the same class continues. However, there are times when classes are in session, and then we pass the time in the empty classrooms. All the classes are held in English, so it is very difficult to keep up with them. Some of the teachers are from Australia and have been to Japan many times, so they talk about Japan and give us a warm welcome. Also, on behalf of the students, the student council president presented us with a gift filled with sweets and message cards. And we gradually became friends with the dorm residents, eating together, taking pictures, and playing games. They also took me shopping and showed me where the Asian supermarket was, so I was able to eat Japanese food and sweets for the first time in a long time without getting homesick.
That night, I was invited to a hot pot party, which I attended and ended up having a very authentic Chinese meal. And I am having a very hard time shopping in Germany. When you enter a restaurant, you have to take a PCR test and show proof of negative test results to enter. When entering other stores, you will need your vaccine passport and ID card. When paying the bill, it is very difficult because you will be served in German. However, German people are kind and they try to understand you and are kind to you with a smile. When I went ice skating, I hadn’t been skating for a long time, so I couldn’t go any further, and when I fell down, a German woman and a young couple who I didn’t know hugged me up, asking “Are you OK? Sometimes I feel like Japan is too convenient and I want to go home, but more than that, I am saved by the kindness of the local people. I learned that even if there are critical opinions on the Internet, you can’t know the truth until you actually see, experience, and feel it.
Well, that’s all about my first report! I am having fun in Germany!!
From Germany – ドイツ留学生から
Hello everyone! My name is F.T. ,and I am studying abroad in Heidelberg, Germany for 3 months. It’s been about two weeks since I came here. Here are just a few of the things I’ve experienced in the last two weeks I will write it.
First of all, the school has 90 minutes 2 classes in the morning and 90 minutes 1 class in the afternoon from Monday to Friday. It was 50 minutes in Japan, so it was a little tough at first, but now I’m quite used to it. Classes are held in small groups of 5 to 6 people at most, with a few people changing every week.
The school is also a language school, and students come from a large number of areas. Japanese people are also in their own way. However, there are almost no high school students, not just Japanese, and I go out with university students and adults. It’s a lot of fun to have three students and a teacher go out to eat hot chocolate and macaroons during class, walk around the streets of Heidelberg, and be guided by a famous person’s house. I was able to climb the Heidelberg Castle and see the magnificent view. Eat Schnitzel, which is famous in Germany, or take a tram called a tram to enjoy Heidelberg. There seems to be more fun to ride on the tram, so I’m looking forward to seeing where I can go in the future!
Thanks for reading my report!
皆さんこんにちは!ドイツのハイデルベルクにて 3 ヵ月のターム留学をしている F.T.です。 私はこの地にきて約 2 週間が経ちました。ここではこの 2 週間で体験したことを少しだけ 書かせていただきます。
まず学校は午前が 90 分 2 コマ、午後 90 分 1 コマを月~金まで。日本では 50 分だったので 少し最初はきつかったものの今ではだいぶ慣れました。クラスは 1 週間単位で少し人が入 れ替わったりして多くても 5~6人と少人数でやっています。
私の学校は語学学校ということもあり非常に多くの地域から学生が来ています。日本人もそれなりにいます。ただ、日本人に限らず高校生がほぼおらず、大学生や大人の方々と出かけたりしています。 授業中に生徒 3 人と先生でホットチョコレートやマカロンを食べに行ったり、ハイデルベルクの街並みを歩いたり、ある有名な方のおうちに案内してもらったりと息抜きできることもあり非常に楽しいです。 ハイデルベルク城にも登り、絶景を見ることができました。ドイツで有名なシュニッツェルを食べたり、トラムと呼ばれる路面電車にも乗りこのハイデルベルクを満喫しています。 まだまだトラムに乗って行くと楽しめるところがありそうなので、これからどんなところ に行けるのか楽しみです!