
From France & Canada New Study Abroad Reports – Enjoy Winter

Now, new study abroad reports from France and Canada reached us.  It would be great if you could share their experiences with us.  Here we go!

From Loches, France,

Bonjour!je suis N.W,j’étudie le français a saint-denis international school.

こんにちは!大妻中野高校一年生で、現在、サンドニ・インターナショナル・スクールに留学しています N.W です。フランスに来て3カ月が経ちました。分からなくて戸惑うことも減り生活にも慣れてきて、充実した日々を過ごしています。

1月はよりたくさんの人と関われました月だったと感じます 。バカンスが終わり新 しく留学生 も 来て よりにぎやかになりました。 思っていたよりも暖かく過ごしやすいです。フランスでは、年が明けると、お菓子屋さんやパン屋さんの店頭は「 ガレット・デ・ロワ 」 が多く並びます。 日本ではあまり見かけませんがフランスでは、新年に欠かせないお菓子です。

ホームステイ先や学校でも何度も食べました。 「ガレット・デ・ロワ」とは1月6日の「 Epiphanie 」 を お祝いして 食べ るお菓子です 。 このお菓子には「フェーブ」という小さい陶器の人形が入っていて、それがあった人 は王冠がもらえます。学校でもクッキングがあったので参加して私も作ってみたところ思っていたよりも材料も少な く簡単に作れました。コロナの影響で、みんなでものを一緒に食べることができないので、 1 人1ホールも作ったのですぐには食べきれませんでした。日本に帰っても作ってみようと思います。

留学生のみんなでお城にも行きました。今の時期は、コロナの感染予防のためワクチンの接種証明か陰性証明がないと一部のレストランやお城などに入れないことがあります。今回一緒に行った留学生の友達はワクチンの接種証明を忘れてしまったため、 お城に入ることができず、 フランスのコロナ対策の厳しさにとてもびっくりしました。お城の中 に はたくさんの芸術品や絵などがありとてもきれいでした。 私の住んでいるロシュという地域の近くにはたくさんのお城があるので、いろんなところに行けてとても楽しいです。



From Victoria, Canada,

Hello, my name is M.S. and I am a student at Claremont Secondary School in Victoria, Canada. In this report,  I would like to report about New Year’s and my life in Victoria.

In Canada, I had a big event called New Year’s Day!  My homestay family was a Chinese family, so I thought we would eat traditional food like we had in Japan. However, there was no big event, and we had a quiet New Year’s Eve. I had a countdown party with my host family on New Year’s Eve. My host sister said that she couldn’t believe that 2012 was 10 years ago.

Next, I would like to talk about covid-19 in Canada. In Canada, the start of school was postponed because the covid-19. During this time, I was reading a book about Canadian world history. I am looking forward to starting the second term next week. I chose French and World History because I had studied in Japan. In the last week, that had a dance presentation. We danced hip-hop, jazz, tap dance, and contemporary. Everyone was very active in asking questions to the teacher, and I learned from them.

Also, as the first term was ending, we wrote our signatures on the cloth that Canadian flag printed. It made me realize that my study abroad experience has passed the halfway point. Lastly, I would like to talk about my volunteer activities. We collected Christmas trees. I had never seen a Christmas tree in a car or on the back of a truck before, so it was a new experience for me. And then, we received 10 dollars for each Christmas tree.

Thank you for reading my report to the end.

こんにちは、M.S.です。 私は現在、カナダ、ビクトリアのクレアモントセカンダリースクールに留学しています。今回のレポートは、お正月の過ごし方についてと、ビクトリアでの生活についてレポートします。


次にカナダのcovid-19についてです。カナダではcovid-19の影響で学校の始まりが延期しました。その間はカナダの世界史についての本を読んでいました。来週からは第2タームに入るので楽しみです。日本で勉強していたフランス語や世界史を選択しました。そして、ダンスの発表会がありました。ダンスではヒップホップ、ジャズ、タップダンス、コンテンポラリーを踊りました。 みんな積極的に先生へ質問をしていて見習おうと思いました。


From Burnaby, Canada,

Hi, everyone! I’m S.O. and studying English in BC, Canada. This is my report for January, it’d be my pleasure if you could read the following to the end.

January is the month when the year begins. This year is 2022! How did you spend your New Year’s Eve moments? I visited my host mother’s sister’s place with my host family. My host mother’s sister also has Japanese student, so I talked a lot with her. She is not the same age as me, but she is so kind, so it was great. Also, we drank juice, took many pictures, and danced when it was changed from2021 to 2022. It was fun, but I was so sleepy lol

There was no special event else in January, but I went somewhere to eat Korean chicken, cake, and doughnuts with my friends. January is the last month of semester 1 and semester 2 will start in February. I’m so excited to have new classes, but I’m worrying if I can make new friends there. However, I’ll do my best.

Thank you for reading to the end. I’ll go back to Japan in 5 months. I’m going to study hard to develop my English. See you next time!





From Alberta, Canada,

My name is H.I. and I am studying abroad in Alberta, Canada. It has been five months since I came to study in Canada. This month, I experienced a lot of events because it coincided with the winter break.

On New Year’s Eve, all the dorm students gathered in the cafeteria and had a countdown party together. We also played hide-and-seek in the school and had a snowball fight, which were organized by the dorm.  On New Year’s Day, we were able to see the first sunrise of the year, which is a cultural event in Japan!  On New Year’s Day, we were able to see the first sunrise of the year, which is a part of Japanese culture.

This month, we could not go outside because the temperature was over -40 degrees Celsius, so we stayed in the dormitory and played board games.  I enjoyed the slightly different taste of the dumplings from the ones we usually make at home.  Also, the sauce that the Chinese kids made for the dumplings was really delicious.  We also made maple toffee, which is part of the Canadian culture, since there was so much snow on the ground.  It tasted like syrup. Making maple toffee is something that I rarely get to do in Tokyo, where I live, so it was a good experience.

Now I changed my accommodation from a dormitory to a homestay in order to increase my experience.  I am glad that I have been able to do many things such as going out with my Canadian friends.

Thank you for reading!!







