
From America & Canada – Final Study Abroad Reports 1


Now it is the final of the one-year study abroad program. As the school year comes to a close, our international students will be returning home. Here are the last study abroad reports from the U.S. and Canada.

From Oregon, America

Hi, I am E. U., studying in Oregon,   Classes at school are coming to an end. Recently, the Spring sports baseball and softball seasons came to an end. For the seniors, the sports season that they have been playing for the past 13 years since Great School is completely over.

This week we had our second Spirit Week, with students coming to school dressed for four days with different themes. Monday was Adams Day? I didn’t know what that meant, but apparently it was a day to wear dowdy T-shirts and pants. I couldn’t imagine such a thing. Laughing, Tuesday was White Rye Day. We had to write a blatant lie on a white T-shirt. It was fun to see everyone’s individuality explode. Wednesday was Fancy Day. The students were all dressed up in suits and long dresses. Thursday was Club Country Day. Again, I didn’t know what it was about and when I asked, it was a day to dress up for games (golf, horseback riding) that only rich people can play. My math teacher had brought a glass of cocktails and was drinking them in class. I am sorry I failed to take a picture of him.

At the assembly, this year’s prom court was announced. I couldn’t go but I was able to attend the assembly and it was a good memory. Outside the school, the chicken I had named Oreo a couple of months ago had already grown up quite a bit. His body was about two times bigger than when I started keeping him. I was quite surprised because I had not seen him for a while. They were so scared of me that they stopped letting me pet them. In addition, two more pigs for food have been added since the last time I saw them. This Wednesday, they are going to slaughter a pig that they have been buying for a while and that has already grown up to be quite big. The other two pigs are not fully grown yet and will not be ready while I am there. A friend of my host family is buying a cow, which will be slaughtered and eaten at the same time as the pigs. This is an experience I would never have in Japan, so it is both exciting and frightening. My family is quite used to it, and they are not fazed at all, which makes me even more anxious. The other day when my family went hunting, they fed me a turkey they had caught, and it was quite delicious, so I am hoping that the pigs and cows will be the same way.

I have learned a lot of things and experienced a lot of things that I had never thought about before coming to this part of Oregon.



今週には2度目のスピリットウィークがあり、四日間違ったテーマに合わせた服装をして生徒が登校しました。月曜日はアダムスデー?でした。私はそれがなんのことだかわからなかったのですが、どうやらダボダボのTシャツとズボンを履いてくる日だったようです。そんなことは想像できませんでした。笑 火曜日はホワイトライデーでした。白いTシャツの上からあからさまな嘘を書くというものでした。みんなそれぞれ個性が爆発していて面白かったです。水曜日はファンシーデーでした。生徒たちはみんなスーツを着たりロングドレスを着たりしていて華やかでした。木曜日はクラブカントリーデーでした。またもやなんのことかわからず、聞いたら、お金持ちだけができる遊び(ゴルフ、乗馬)の服装をしてくる日でした。数学の先生はカクテルのグラスを持ってきていて、授業中に飲んでいました。笑 写真を取り損ねたのが悔しいです。



From Victoria, Canada,

Hello.  I am MS and I attend Claremont Secondary School in Victoria, BC, Canada.  Now I would like to report about my recent daily life in Canada.

The 5th of this month was red dress day.  This day stems from the persecution of Indigenous people. It is a day of remembrance for the girls and women who died because of the high rate of missing and murdered Indigenous women. In French class, we discussed this as well as orange shirt day and pink shirt day. I thought it was great to have the opportunity to learn about social issues in own country.

On the next topic, I would like to talk about foods.  Asian food is very popular in Victoria. There is always a sushi restaurant in the food court. Tapioca is also very popular, and some people have it delivered to school by Uber eats. On the other hand, I felt that the food was not nationalized. I particularly surprised to find miso soup in a Korean restaurant.  My school has a food service where you can buy food for breakfast and lunch. There foods are made by students who taking food class. This month I finally had a limited quantity parfait. It was very tasty and sweet with lots of strawberries and blueberries.

My final topic is about the library.  This month I went to the library to do some research. There were books donated from China, Spain, Germany and many other countries. I was happy to find books on tourist attractions in Japanese. Thank you for reading my report.

こんにちは、 カナダBC州、ビクトリアのクレアモントセカンダリースクールに通っているMSです。  最近のカナダでの生活についてレポートします。

今月の5日はred dress dayでした。この日は先住民迫害から由来しています。先住民女性の行方不明や殺害率が高く、亡くなった少女や女性を追悼する日です。フランス語の授業ではorange shirt dayやpink shirt dayと同様そのことについてディスカッションをしました。自国の社会問題をきちんと学べる機会があるのはすごく良いことだと思いました。

次に食生活についてです。ビクトリアではアジアンフードが人気です。フードコートには必ず寿司屋があります。また、タピオカもすごく人気です。Uber eatsで学校に届けてもらっている人もいました。一方、料理の国分がされていないようにも感じました。特に韓国料理店でお味噌汁が出てきたことには驚きました。私の学校にはフードサービスがあり、朝とお昼に食べ物を買うことができます。そこで売るものはフードのクラスを選択している生徒が作っているようです。今月初めて数量限定のパフェを食べました。イチゴやブルーベリーがたくさん入っていてとてもおいしかったです。


From Alberta, Canada

My name is H.I. and I am studying abroad in Alberta, Canada. It has been 10 months since I came to Canada to study.

I finally came to the last month of my study in Canada, and looking back on what I have gained by coming to study in Canada and how I have grown during this 10 month period, I think that I have been able to do some things that I could not do before.

Since this month was the last month of my stay in Japan, I was able to experience many things, such as going out to lunch with many international students and going for a drive with my host family members. The most memorable experiences were climbing a mountain with my friends and the English class on the last week of the program.

In the mountain, I was able to see the whole small town and look back on the memories of the past 10 months. In the English class, we were asked to take pictures during class time, which is something you cannot experience in Japan, so I was able to actively go outside of the school and take pictures of what I could find and what I felt.

I was also able to show the results of my practice with all of my classmates in the rock show that was held in the chorus class. I was able to encounter many new things that I would not have been able to experience if I had not studied abroad.

I have experienced homesickness and culture shock over the past 10 months, but I am glad that I was able to experience such fun and wonderful things. When I go back to Japan, I will tell my friends, family, and teachers about my study abroad experience, including how to make the most of my study abroad experience. Thank you very much for your reading.




