2月14日(土)に中野ゼロホールで開催されました「第1回大妻中野 外国語発表会 / Otsuma Nakano – English and French Speech and Presentation Contest 」。この発表会・コンテストは、本校の英語教育、フランス語教育の成果を広く示したいという思いで実現しました。
この会には、大妻女子大学・大学院教授・本校英語教育アドバイザー、服部孝彦 先生、慶應義塾大学総合政策学部教授(NHKのフランス語講座でも著名な)國枝 孝弘 先生も審査員として、参加いただきました。また日本国際連合協会事務局の宮井 克明氏の多大なサポートをいただきましたことを、ここに感謝の気持ちを込めて記したいと思います。
この発表会・コンテストでの最優秀スピーチには、「日本国際連合協会・会長賞(会長・千玄室 氏)」が授与されるという名誉があります。中学3年生で1名、高校1年生で1名の発表者が、この賞を受賞しました。栄えある第1回大妻中野 外国語発表会での「日本国際連合協会・会長賞」を獲得したスピーチドラフト(中学3年生の部)をここに掲載いたします。 ぜひご覧ください。受賞者は本校中学3年、石井英実里さんです。
- Air Pollution - Emliy Ishii
Take a deep breath. Don’t you think the air in this room is just wonderful? I bet you don’t think about this in your everyday life, but there are many people in this world who can’t safely breathe the air. So today, I am here to warn you about the air pollution in our world.
Firstly, did you know that in 2012, air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, killed 7 million people on the earth? It was nearly triple of what the WHO had estimated in 2008. Right now, China is perhaps most known for bad air pollution. The air pollution there causes incidences of cancer, heart disease, and so much more to its people. This is not just a problem for a particular part of China, but it also spreads to many other parts of Asia including Japan! So who knows where it might spread !
When I was younger, I lived in Hong Kong. There I remember that in the winter, since the wind comes from the north, we would often have bad air pollution at that time of year. So at times we were restricted from playing outside, which was very sad.
In Japan, 50 years ago, we too had terrible air pollution just like China, but because of the efforts we Japanese made, you see what’s happened now. The air has gotten so much better and according to the research in 2014, Mt. Fuji could be seen in Tokyo 6 times as many days in a year we could see it 50 years ago.
So as I have said earlier, although we have clean air now, we shouldn’t just enjoy this because air pollution is still all of our problems. So I say that we all ought to cooperate to make this continue for our country. Not only that, but we must lead and help other countries have cleaner air. So what do you say? Are you with me?