



オーストラリアの大自然の中で、"Who am I ?"と思ったこと。異なる文化との出会いは、「自分自身への内省」を伴うということ。「私を問う」体験の積み重ねこそが、グローバル教育です。


Haruka Shimizu 


G’day, mates!  I am becoming familiar with Aussies. Of course I keep on having a wonderful time here.  It has been a nice weather now in Cairns.  


We just had a retreat at Lake Tinaroo for 3 days. We also went to “Sugar World”, which is a waterpark. At the Genazzano conference centre, we sang together and played some games as a group.  The purpose of this retreat is to think about “Who am I?”  We thought about it deeply, and discussed wisely.  We listened to the teacher’s valuable experiences.  At night, we gathered around the candles and thanked to our friends. Also, we went to the church nearby and attended mass. It was a wonderful experience for me. Through this retreat, I noticed how important to thank and to smile.


I seriously don’t know how to appreciate all the friends, teachers, and my host family. My friendsalways make me laugh and I never ever had a dull time and I never felt left alone. They always teach me “aussie” stuff, which is very interesting. Let me teach you some:


 e.g. (example) Barbie (barbecue) /  Maccas (McDonalds) /  Mozzies (Mosquitoes)  /  Dunny (Toilet) /  Lollies (Candies)


The teachers are very kind, making sure I understand it step by step. My host family, they are lovely and always make me feel comfortable. They take me to interesting places, and explains everything for me.


I always hope there is something that I will be able to give them back as my expression of special thanks.




この間、Lake Tinarooで二泊三日のretreatに行ってきました。’Sugar World’というウォーターパークでも遊びました。Genazzano conference centreでは、みんなで歌を歌ったり、グループになってゲームをしたりしました。このretreatの目的は、「自分は何者なのか」ということについて考えることでした。深く考え、時間をかけてみんなで意見を交換し合いました。先生たちの貴重な経験を聞きました。夜には、みんなでキャンドルの周りに座り、友達に感謝の言葉を捧げました。さらに、そばにある教会にいき、ミサに参加しました。素晴らしい経験になりました。このretreatを通し、感謝をすることと笑顔でいることがどれだけ大切かが分かりました。






