From St. Andrew’s_セカンドターム留学レポート⑦
Updated by Haruka Shimizu on 15th June, 2015
Hello, there! There is no more time left in Cairns. I am getting sad…
On Friday, lots of students were wearing “relay for life” t-shirts. Students in St. Andrews do their own fund-raising to raise money for this campaign. They sell some chocolate, cupcakes, cotton candies, and so on. Teachers there were taking lead and helping the students. St. Andrews has many more events. For example, an athletic carnival – this year which was sadly postponed because of the rain-, a walk safely to school day, a purple day. For year10s’ students, in the next term, they will have a work experience. They will have to make some applications and have interviews. They actually work there for a week.
My host family took me to a Japanese restaurant. In Australia, Japanese food is extremely popular. When I ask my friends about their favourite food, more than half of them answer, “SUSHIIIIIII!!!!” I always feel a little bit happy. But Australian sushi is a bit different from the Japanese one. It is still delicious.
My school buddy is finally coming back from Japan next week, so I can’t wait to hear all of her stories!! I am so excited to hear her experiences in Japan.
金曜日は”relay for life”という服を生徒がたくさん着ていました。セントアンドリュースの生徒たちは、それぞれ自分で募金活動を行います。お昼にチョコレートや綿菓子を売ったり、カップケーキを作って売ったり…。先生たちも率先して手伝っていました。
セントアンドリュースでは、他にも様々なイベントがあります。Athletic Carnival(雨のせいで延期になってしまいました), Walk safely to school day, purple dayなど。さらに私のいるyear 10では、来学期に職業体験があります。とても本格的です。書類をつくったり、面接もします。5日間もそこで働くそうです。