This is America!! – vol.4
Wednesday, July 29th
Today it’s hot and rather humid with the temperature reaching about 94 degrees! But it was better than the hot and super muggy day in Tokyo. The students look fine and they looked happy to talk about their own small “American Graffiti” experience at the downtown of West Hartford with their language partners.
In today’s class, Dr. Dorothy Keller, who is a professor of art in University of Saint Joseph, took us to the Wadsworth Antheneum (Art Museum) in the city center of Hartford.
The Wadsworth Antheneum is a great museum exhibiting historical architecture, selected works of traditional fine arts and modern / pop arts in America.
Dr. Dorothy Keller is Chairperson of Department of Fine Arts and Performing Art. She directly gave a lecture about the architectural history of Hartford, which is the history of America itself and how to appreciate works of ancient to modern arts. She is a super energetic professor. And she is also a person of greatly extensive and remarkable knowledge of fine arts. We all were impressed with these works of fine arts and her explanation. This is the real academic study. We can feel we have got to learn what it will be like to study in university.
At the end of this walking study tour in this museum, Dr. Keller advised our students as follows;
“Many of the modern arts show how horrible human being would be. Our history tells us dictators have broken many arts because arts have the power to make democracy. But this is not a history. Now we can see the same happen in many parts of the world. You, young guys, should get involved in the reality of the world and see the world with our own eyes. I am sure you can save the world and make it better and more peaceful.”
We all have learned this must be the true “Active Art” and the global education.
今日は、ドロシー・ケラー教授(セント・ジョセフ大学のアート学科の主任教授・博士)と一緒にハートフォードの中心街にあるWadsworth ミュージアムでの勉強です。ケラー教授の驚くべき博識とアートへの深い理解と愛情が、彼女の説明から溢れてきます。 ハートフォードの歴史的建築物の説明では、アメリカの建国の物語、独立と民主主義の持つ深い意味をおそわりました。まさにこれこそ、アカデミックな学びです。大学で学ぶこととはどのようなことかを実感したと思います。