This is America!! – Vol.9
Monday, August 3rd,
It’s another fine day today. Sunshine was strong but in the morning and evening it gets cool and comfortable.
Today in the morning we had a special dance class with Ms. Susan Murphy in the stage of the hall at Bruyette Atheneum. The place where they performed dance is one of the outstanding buildings at USJ because the building is for all kinds of arts – fine art museum and concert / performance hall. The current fine art exhibition is Hanga art of Japan, which especially focuses on the modern hanga art in the 20th century.
Ms. Susan Murphy is an excellent dance art teacher of University of Saint Joseph. She has many careers of instructing dance in many countries. Her dance lesson was amazingly well organized, which started with very creative icebreaking action. Everybody shouted her own name with a particular action which each wants to take. It looked much creative. And then they took their actions seamlessly, which made one impressive straight action stream.
Then they moved on to jazz dance. Ms. Murphy made an explanation on some basic actions of jazz dance and showed them good examples of the actions. Students actually performed their dance with music and excellent advice from Ms. Murphy. Gradually they were getting excited and happy. It looks the great way to understand words of English through dance actions.
What’s more, today we had an opportunity to meet Ms. Amy Favreau from Woodstock Academy, which is a local high school with many international students. Ms. Amy Favreau is assistant headmaster of admissions and special programs at this high school.
She joined us to talk about what high schools in America are like and encouraged us to try to study abroad. Her passionate lecture on US high school education and what Woodstock Academy is doing now much impressed Otsuma Nakano students. So, some of them will make a challenge to apply to this high school or universities in US.
今日はもう一人、素晴らしいゲストをお迎えして、お話を聞きました。コネティカットにある名門高校で各国からの生徒を受け入れているWoodstock Academyの副校長先生、Ms. Amy Favreauです。彼女から、アメリカの高校生の学習について、大学の進学方法についてなど具体的なお話を伺いました。とても情熱を持って、アメリカの高校教育について話をしてくれました。ぜひ、皆さんにアメリカで勉強するチャンスを得てほしいし、そのために必要なアドバイスはいくらでもします。アメリカの大学についてのことも知りたかったら、遠慮なく連絡をしてくださいと。この中からアメリカの大学に進学する、あるいは留学する人がきっと出てくれると思います。