This is America!! – Vol.14
Saturday, August 8th,
Here comes the last day for us to stay at University of Saint Joseph. Today, we spent the greatest time being together with our language partners of USJ. They are all excellent university students, who have been supporting, helping and guiding us with outstanding hospitality. This liaison with the students of USJ is the most memorable and fantastic things in the life we have had in America. Some of the USJ students helped Otsuma Nakano students with their summer homework on English or other subjects assigned by their teachers.
At the Friendship dinner, we were more than proud that Dr. Free, President of USJ, gave us a beautiful greetings and messages. And then at the dinner we did dance, dance, dance and dance with Ms. Susan Murphy, who is our great dance instructor. USJ students and Otsuma Nakano students, all of us mixed together into fantastic dance grooves.
On behalf of Otsuma Nakano School Community, we would like to express sincere thanks to all of University of Saint Joseph for everything you have done to us. Especially, millions of thanks go to the partner students from USJ. Without your being and support, this program would not have gone so well.
Finally, we would like to conclude this study visit to University of Saint Joseph with referring to the words from the brochure of USJ Study Abroad Program.
“At USJ, students explore and expand their potential through personal attention in welcoming community that offers academically challenging programs to individuals who want to succeed and make a difference in society. “
Director of International Studies and Programs in University of Saint Joseph Dr. Shyamala Raman, Ph.D.
昨夜のUSJと大妻中野のフレンドシップ・ディナーでは、大学学長のDr. Free、人文学部長のDr. Steely、国際プログラム・ディレクターのDr. Raman, 教育学部長のDr. Ann-Monroe、人文学部教授のDr. Billias, 私たちに素晴らしいダンスのレッスンをしてくれた Ms. Murphy, そして何より、すべてにおいてこのプログラムで指導いただいた、Prof. Gourlay,に参加いただきました。
ディナーの後半は、ダンス・ダンス・ダンス! Ms. Murphyに指導してもらったダンスにUSJの学生も一緒になって楽しみました。そして、ついにMs. Murphyも加わると、グルーヴが一気に加速。感動的なインタラクションになりました。きっと忘れられない思い出になります。