This is America!! – Vol.15 – Epilogue
Sunday, August 9th
The morning when we have to say, “Good bye, to USJ and our partners.“ They are all crying with tears in their eyes and hugging each other over and over again. But as the great Piano Man, Billy Joel sang, Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes! We will have a chance to welcome these excellent USJ partners in Tokyo.
Such a wonderful experience to stay in American university’s dormitory with the students. Studying with a several professors of the university. And enjoying real campus lives in America. These all will be beneficial and great treasures to them in their future.
We left Hartford at Bradley Airport for Chicago O’Hare Airport. And we smoothly did our transit to the flight for Narita. Finally we came safely back all the way from Connecticut to Tokyo through 15 hours long flight! We are all fine and proud!
To conclude the study tour to University of Saint Joseph in Hartford, Connecticut, we are more than proud to introduce the words from the message of Dr. Free, President of USJ to Otsuma Nakano Junior and Senior High School.
– For the last two weeks the University of Saint Joseph has enjoyed have some of your classmates our campus. You should be proud to be at school with such wonderful young women. They are all enthusiastic, curious and very respectful. I can tell that they go to a school that encourages them to be adventurous, work hard and to learn as much as they can from every experience. We will be sorry when they leave.
I know that you all have very bright futures. Best wishes as you compete your years studying at Otsuma Nakano Senior and Junior High Schools.
Rhona C. Free, Ph.D.
学長 ローナ・フリー