From Australia_St. Andrew’s_ターム留学レポート①_2016
Another study abroad program report has arrived from Cairns, Australia. This is from Kaho Mitsuhashi, a year 10th student of Otsuma Nakano Senior High School. She is now joining St. Andrew’s Catholic College as an exchange student for term 1 of 2016. Her school life in St. Andrew’s has just begun from February 1st.
Hi there!
It is very very hot in here, Australia! It is way more than I have expected.
The first day I spent here, I went to the Cairns Civic Theatre. They showed the back stage of the theatre. I had a chance to see the dressing room, orchestra pit and so on. It was a very valuable experience!
My host family took me to the Cairns tropical ZOO on Sunday. It was my second time, since I visited there five years ago. When I went there last time, the weather was cloudy but comfortable because cyclone came, but this time it was sweating hot. The temperature completely differs from what it is in Japan. That made me feel much hotter even we arrived there early. I saw different kinds of animal such as kangaroos, crocodiles, emu, koala and lots of birds. One of the impressive animals was kookaburra. I learned a song about it when I was little and I was wondering what kind of bird is it for long time and finally I had a chance to see it.
Today was my first day at school. I was really worried, like how to take communication but students there were very nice. My buddy is one of the girls that came to our school last three weeks. It was the also her first day in the new grade, so she was walking all around the school to go to the new home room, borrow new text books, and take classes with new timetable. My first class was Economics. The teacher was very good at Japanese and I was surprised! I heard that he is coming to our school at the day of our school festival as a ukulele team, and I already can’t wait!
I am having so much fun here!! Though I bit miss the coldness in Japan. I will enjoy my valuable time in Cairns!
Kaho Mitsuhashi,
ケアンズで過ごす1日目、ケアンズシビックシアターというところに行きました。 この日は、舞台裏を見学できる日だったらしく、楽屋だったりオーケストラピットに入ったりできて貴重な体験ができました。
日曜には、ホストファミリーがケアンズトロピカルズーという動物園に連れて行ってくれました。この動物園には5年前に一度きたことがあったので、二度目となります。前回行った際は、サイクロンがちょうど過ぎた頃で曇ってはいましたが過ごしやすい陽気でしたが、今回はすごく暑かったです。日本を旅立つ日に雪の予報が出ていたほど寒かったのにオーストラリアでは180度違い、その差がより暑く感じさせます。 朝早くに家を出ましたが、もうすでに暑かったです。動物園ではカンガルー、ワニ、エミュー、コアラ、鳥などのたくさんの動物がいました。中でも印象深いのはクッカブラ(ワライカワセミ)です。個人的に小さい頃その鳥の歌を習ったのですが、見たことがなく一体どのような鳥なのだろうとずっと考えていました。そしてこの機会に見ることができました。
日本の寒さがほんの少し恋しいですが、すごく楽しい時間をここで過ごしています。 ケアンズでの貴重な時間を大切にしたいと思います。