From New Zealand_New Plymouth Girls’ High School_ターム留学レポート①_2016
From New Zealand, New Plymouth Girls’High School_
オーストラリアの姉妹校へのターム留学に続いて、ニュージーランドの提携校へのターム留学の生徒からのレポートが届きました。New Plymouth Girl’s High School, 2016年度から新しくスタートしたターム留学プログラム。アメリカ・オレゴン、オーストラリア・ケアンズ、そしてニュージーランド・ニュープリマス、それぞれの留学提携校から本校生徒のレポートがこれからも続々と届きます。ぜひご覧ください。
Now we have received a report on another study abroad program with our new educational partner school, New Plymouth Girls’ High School, from New Zealand. Nonoka Kuwabara, a senior 1st grade student of Otsuma Nakano, is now studying at New Plymouth Girls’ High School for term 1. Otsuma Naknao students are now studying as exchange students of our international education partner schools in Oregon USA, Cairns Australia and New Plymouth New Zealand so that they are going to post their school reports on this Otsuma Nakano School website. We hope you like them.
Hello! Everyone there. I’m Nonoka Kuwabara. I’m staying in New Zealand. In New Zealand it has been in good weather and temperature. New Zealand people are very kind, so I live here very comfortably.
I came to New Zealand about two weeks ago. I’m enjoying life now here!! It’s difficult to get used to the life in New Zealand, because everything is different from Japan. So it’s always full of fresh things to me. There is a lot of nature, for example, woods, grasses, and flowers in New Zealand. So there are few man-made things. In addition, I often can see cows and horses because they are left off their leashes. I can’t see these things in Tokyo. The most surprising thing is that there is no train in this place where I’m staying in New Plymouth. We use buses or cars. But the bus comes only twice in a day, so if you miss the bus, it will be a big problem. I had trouble at first because it was the first time to experience such situation. However, I’m enjoying this life now.
1st of February was my first school day at New Plymouth Girls’ High School. I was nervous so I couldn’t sleep before I went to school. When I went to school, I thought that it’s different from a school in Tokyo. This school in New Zealand is very big so I got lost there. My first class was ESOL. It’s for overseas student studying abroad in this school. There are four Japanese students, one German student, one Indian student, one Papua New Guinean student and two Spaniard students in ESOL. At first, everyone didn't talk with each other. However we could start to talk to everyone, not only with Japanese even during our break time. While we had lesson to talk with each other, I learned that everyone has a different English level, so sometimes it’s hard to understand but we became used to it. I think that talking to other countries’ people is exciting! It’s not easy for me to understand yet, but we are very good friends.
On the 5th of February, we got our time table and started to study in our own class individually. I was nervous. I couldn't understand class lessons so I was confused. But if I give up, nothing changes, so I will be desperately hanging on.
Best wishes,
Nonoka Kuwabara,
2月1日はNew Plymouth Girls’ High Schoolへの初の登校日でした。私は前日から緊張していて夜はなかなか眠れませんでした。登校してみると、やはり東京の学校とは違い、とても敷地面積が広く、迷子になったりもしました。私が初めて受けた授業はESOLという、留学生対象のクラスでした。ESOLには、日本人4人、ドイツ人1人、インド人1人、パプアニューギニア人1人、スペイン人2人の計9人がいて、色々な場所から留学生が来るんだなと思いました。最初のうちはみんな無言でした。しかし、授業で色々な国の人と喋っているうちに自然と日本人だけで喋るのではなく、みんなで喋るようになりました。英語のレベルは様々なので、初めのうちは通じたり、通じなかったりしましたが、みんな相手に伝わるように工夫して喋るようになり、今ではちゃんと伝わるようになりました。また、他の国の人と喋るのが楽しいと思えるようになりました。