
From New Zealand_Report on New Plymouth GHS_Mar.12th_2016

From New Zealand_Report_on_New Plymouth GHS_Mar.11th –Nonoka Kuwabara.


This is the brand new report by Nonoka Kuwabara from New Zealand, New Plymouth Girls’ High School.  She is also enjoying huge cultural differences between New Zealand and Japan on “Sports Day”.


Hello, everyone there!  Summer has gone and fall has come in New Zealand. Mornings and nights are chilly but the daytime is good, so New Plymouth Girls' High School students wear short sleeves.  I am worried about that it will get much colder when I go back to Japan because I have only short sleeves. Also, it won’t be long before we can’t go in the sea, so I think that I am going to go beach a lot within the next week.


Since February 23rd, I have been so busy in these past two weeks. On February 25th, we had a swimming competition. On March 2nd, we had an athletics competition. Otuma Nakano doesn’t have a swimming pool so I haven't been swimming since I was an elementary school student. In addition, those competitions are different from Japanese sports day. New Zealand sports day is so noisy and so fun. There are four teams – Tainui, Kurahaupo, aotea, and Tokomaru. And these teams have their own colors, for example, Tainui is green, Kurahaupo is blue, Aotea is red, and Tokomaru is yellow. Everyone got dressed up in their team colors.  So the field was very colorful. Also people didn't only wear shirts, but dressed their whole body in their colours, even body paint. It’s funny. Everyone was in unique outfits, so I enjoyed that. My team is Tainui, so I got dressed up in green.  In this time I got dressed up in only a green t-shirt, so if I have another time, I want to get dressed up more in my house color.


Each competition’s MC was like a famous TV program DJ. The MC was so funny and liven up the atmosphere of the competitions. In addition this day American music was playing all day.  Students danced to the rhythm of music and sang. So we enjoyed these competitions even though I didn't participate in the races. . This atmosphere was like a music live concert.  There were cheering competitions and dance competitions in the middle of sports day. That time rose their team power and unity. Each competition has freedom to join the event so I suddenly joined the run in athletics. I was a serious runner since my school sport day so I was really tired. Also New Zealand people are so fast. I was a little frustrated, but it was be good memory. My team Tainui got second place in this swimming competition. First place was Tokomaru. I am sorry but I don’t know which team was the first in athletics. These two days became my good memory. I think that I can’t experience those competitions in Japan so I’m happy that I could experience it. If I will have another opportunity to join those competitions, I want to join them again. 


Almost half period of my study abroad program has passed. I can’t speak and understand English well yet and I don’t make progress enough.  So I feel impatience and nervous as the time passes on. I don’t know how far I will be able to improve my English level, but I keep on trying to do my best. 


Best wishes

Nonoka Kuwabara

こんにちは。New Zealandは秋にはいりました。朝と夜は少し肌寒いですが昼間はいい天気で、New Plymouth Girls High Schoolの生徒は、みんな半袖ですごしています。私は長袖を一枚しか持ってこなかったので、帰るころにはどのくらい気温が下がってしまうのか少し不安です。また、もうそろそろ海にも入れなくなってしまいそうなので来週中にたくさん入ろうと思っています。




どちらの大会も司会の人がテレビ番組の人気DJみたいに面白い人人で会場をとても賑やかにしていました。大会中はずっとアメリカンミュージックが流れていたのですが、生徒は音楽に合わせて踊ったり、歌っていたりして競技に参加していなくても楽しめました。また、ライブに来た様な感覚でした。競技の途中には応援合戦やダンスバトルがあり、そのときのチームの団結力はすごいものでした。どちらの大会も競技への参加は自由なので私は陸上大会のほうに飛び入りで参加しました。本気で走るのは去年の体育祭ぶりなので、疲れました。New Zealandの人はとても足が速く大差をつけられてしまいました。悔しかったですがいい記念になりました。水泳大会で私のチームは2位をとることができました。残念なことに陸上大会の順位は謎のまま終わってしまいました。この2日は私にとってNew Zealandでのいい思い出になりました。こんな楽しい大会は日本で味わえないと思うので良かったです。また参加できればと思います。


