
Congratulations to Incoming Students

2016年度入学式で紹介した本校の海外パートナー校・アメリカ、コネティカット、セントジョセフ大学学長・Dr. Rhona Free のオリジナル・メッセージを紹介します。

It is our great privilege to introduce a message from Dr. Rhona Free, the president of the University of Saint Joseph in Connecticut. This message is to congratulate all of the incoming students at Otsuma Nakano.


As the president of the University of Saint Joseph in Connecticut,  I extend thanks and congratulations to the administration and teachers from Otsuma Nakano and all of the incoming students. We have a wonderful partnership that has internationalized the curriculum on our campuses, creating opportunities for our students to share in learning, travel, and friendships.  Students from Otsuma Nakano enliven our campus with their curiosity, energy and eagerness to share in our American culture when they visit us. They are wonderful students and we look forward to hosting many of them in the future and to having our USJ students travel to Otsuma Nakano to learn and study in Japan.  I wish all Otsuma Nakano students good luck and send best wishes for their great success.


