From New Zealand_Report_New Plymouth_Girls’_HS_July 2nd 2016
From New Zealand, Report on New Plymouth Girls’ High School, July 2nd – Ayaka Okada
Now Term 2 of New Plymouth Girls’ High School is also getting close to the end, which means that the day for the exchange students from Otsuma Nakano to go back to Japan will be near. We are very proud to introduce you the final report by Ayaka Okada, who is now enrolling in New Plymouth Girls’ High School as an exchange student.
Hello! The time passes really fast, and I only have 2 weeks left here. These days, I've been keeping busy. So I would like to introduce how I spent my week.
On Monday, I had a science assessment, so had to study heaps of pages and the questions were really difficult. After school, I played badminton and volleyball, so I was really tired.
On Tuesday, in PE class, we were playing multi sports. The teacher threw a ball in the air, and the ball the teacher threw
was a netball, a football, a basketball or a balance ball, which means that the ball was different from one after another according to the ball games. When we were playing basketball, I hit my face and my nose started to bleed. I felt dizzy, so I went to the school nurse for the first time. It was quite an interesting experience.
On Wednesday, I had a house competition in the hostel. In the hostel, each student has their own house colour. I was green, so I wore green clothes, and one of my friends colored by hair green. We did a quiz, and our house didn't win, but it was still interesting. I had volleyball training after that, and I had a great time there.
On Thursday, I played pool with my friends at the hostel. Dinner at the hostel is early and it is at 5:15. After dinner, at 6:30 to 8:30, we have a time for studying called prep time. We all have to study in this time, which is really good for a busy person like me.
On Friday, I went to the town with Teffrey and Shino. Since Shino and I don't have much time left, we started to buy souvenirs.
On Saturday, I went to the Wanganui for a volleyball tournament with other teammates. We all took a van, and it took 2 hours. Seven players went there including myself. There were many kinds of people, boys and girls, young to old. We played 5 or 6 games, and we had such good games. I really loved to play with my team mates!!
On Sunday, in the morning, I went to the cinema to watch "Finding DORY" with my friends. It was of course in English and it was without subtitles, but I could understand most of the story. The movie was so funny, sad, and touching. I really enjoyed watching it.
In the afternoon, we went to the "Te Rewa Rewa bridge". It was really cool. It was cloudy but if it had been sunny, we could have seen the mount Taranaki through the bridge.
I enjoyed this week so much!! It's so sad that I only have two weeks left but I will enjoy being here as much as I can!!!!
Thank you for reading.
火曜日は体育のクラスで、multi sportsをやりました。先生が、ボールを投げるのですが、そのボールはネットボール、バスケットボール、サッカーボール、バランスボールだったりして、投げられたボールによって違うゲームをしました。バスケットボールをしている時に、友達とぶつかってしまって鼻血が出ました。なので、初めて保健室に行きました。ある意味ではとても良い経験となりました。
水曜日には、ホステル(寮)でhouse competition がありました。それぞれの生徒は、各自のhouse colourをもっています。私は緑だったので、緑の洋服をきました。友達が私の髪の毛を少し緑にしてくれました。ゲームで私のチームは負けてしまいましたが、とても楽しかったです。
日曜日の午前中には映画館にいき"Finding DORY"をみました。もちろん映画は英語で、サブタイトルもありませんでしたがほとんど理解することができました。映画は面白く、悲しく、感動もできて、とても楽しめました。午後にはTe Rewa Rewa bridge に行きました。その時は曇っていましたが、もし晴れていたらタラナキ山が正面からみれるそうです。