高校生 夏の短期留学in Australia⑩
Most Australian people get up early in the morning and go to bed early at night.
When I chatted with some students, they said that they usually sleep about 7 hours or more.
Class periods in St. Andrew’s are 40 minutes long and there are no break time between classes.
Some subjects have one period, and others have two periods continuously, which means they have 80 minutes.
There are 6 periods in the morning, and two more in the afternoon.
The classes finish at 2:40 p.m.Nobody seems to fall asleep during classes.
The students’ attitude toward classes is to take part in the activities, not to just receive
the teachers’ lectures. Students often ask questions, express their opinions, and listen to
other students’ opinions.
They don’t have time to feel bored and fall asleep.I think it is necessary for them to have
a good sleep at night
and get ready for the next classes. There are a lot of things for Otsuma students to learn
when they attend the classes with their buddies!!!