From New Zealand_Study Report on New Plymouth GHS_Sept. 2016
It is our great pleasure to introduce this latest report by Naoka Yoshizawa, a sophomore student of Otsuma Nakano High School, who is now studying in New Plymouth as one year long exchange students.
– Hello! This is Naoka Yoshizawa from New Zealand. How have you been doing? Long time no see. I’m so sorry that it took me long time to write a new report because I had exams… OK, I would like to talk about kiwi life!
On the 19th of August, I went to Hamilton for a competition of WAIKATO ITM BAND& ORCHESTRA FESTIVAL with NPBHS/GHS Combined Concert Band. That was a long day… I woke up at 5.30 because I had to go to school at 6 o’clock. It was so early that I was sleepy during the bus ride. I went back home after 9 o’clock… It was a hard schedule but I could enhance deeper relationships with the concert band members and I got gold award! I was so happy. The next day, I slept all day because I was tired…
I had exams for one week from the 7th of September. The exams were a little bit different from Japanese ones. It took three hours for one subject. It is interesting that we don’t need to wear a uniform. We can take some snacks and water to the exam! We have special schedules for exams. Also if you have no exam on that day, you don’t need to come to school. It means that day is a holiday! It is good system for students, because we can study or hang out with friends that day.
I took three subjects – English, Mathematics and Science. They were held on 7th of September and the morning of the 8th of September. They were very good for me because I didn’t need to go school the other days until 14th of September. The exams were difficult because I couldn’t take a dictionary. Especially, without a dictionary, English was so challenging for me to struggle. Science and Mathematics were not difficult because I had already learned that in Japan. But they were stressful for me because I had to read, understand and explain in English. I felt I must improve my English more and more. It’s not enough.
On the 9th of September, I had one of my international friends’ birthday party ! I went to her host family’s house and attended the party together. It was so fun and I ate so much. Especially cakes were so yummy. We watched some video which was about a birthday girl with Yui who came to NPGHS together last year as well. It was such a great video!
Thank you so much for reading my report. I’m looking forward to seeing you next time.
皆さん、こんにちは。ニュージーランドに1年間留学している吉澤直夏です。皆さん、お元気でしょうか?レポートを書かなかったのがとても長かったように感じます!レポートを書くのが遅くなってしまいすみません。テストがあり忙しくて、、、さて、みなさんにkiwi lifeをお話ししたいと思います。
8月19日には、WAIKATO ITM BAND& ORCHESTRA FESTIVALという大会にNPBHS/GHS Combine Concert Bandと行きました。とても長い日で、朝6時に起きて夜の9時過ぎに家に着きました。バスの中では、流石に爆睡でしたが、バンドのメンバーの子達と親睦を深めたり、大会では、GOLDを頂くことができ、とても嬉しかったです。でも、やはり次の日は一日家でゆっくり過ごしました。