
From America Study Report on Pleasant Hill HS Sep. 28. 2016.

From America.  Study Report on Pleasant Hill High School in Oregon by Akane Takahashi   2016.09.28


It’s our great pleasure to introduce this new kick-off report on a study abroad program at Pleasant Hill High School in Oregon, USA.  Akane Takahashi, a 10th grader of Otsuma Nakano High School, has just stared her study there as an exchange student for one year.  Her report tells that she looks more than happy to voice her exciting American school to us.  We strongly believe that her confidence and eagerness to study at PHHS will make herself improve so much.   The following is her report.


Hello, everyone.  I am Akane Takahashi and I am studying at Pleasant Hill High School in Oregon, USA.  It has been three weeks since I came to Oregon. My host family is very nice and they took me to many places. So far I went to horseback riding, football and volleyball of Oregon Ducks' game, apple picking and hiking. I especially loved going horseback riding. At first it was hard for me to control and balance, but  I became comfortable soon. We have horses, chickens, rabbits and a dog.  I am so lucky to have such a fantastic host family.


My school is very different from that of Japan. We have seven periods a day, which makes me tired.  We all have different schedules, so I have to make friends in each class. Some classes are fun but some are very difficult. I really appreciate much kindness of my friends, because whenever I have a question or don't understand what to do, they always help me. I hope I can get good grades in all subject in the same as Ellie Goto, who is my senior  exchange student from Otsuma Nakano, did last year.


I am trying to keep myself busy and do everything that I can do here.  Now I signed up for recycling club and am planning to sign up for Mr. Billie and “Cupcakes for Cause”.  “Cupcakes for Cause” is a club activity, which you sell cupcakes and raise money for Ms. Violette, who is fighting against cancer. You can also donate money on the internet too, so if you want to help her, please click the link below and help her with us!




Thank you so much for reading my report.

See you soon!

こんにちは。9月から一年間アメリカ・オレゴン州のPleasant Hill High School に留学している高橋茜です。オレゴンに来てから三週間が経ちました。私のホストファミリーはとても優しく、色々な場所に連れて行ってくれます。今の所、乗馬、オレゴンダックスのフットボールとバレーボールの試合観戦、りんご狩り、ハイキングに連れて行ってもらいました。その中でも特に乗馬がとても楽しかったです。最初は馬のコントロールとバランスをとるのが難しかったですが、すぐに慣れました。私の家には馬、鶏、うさぎ、犬がいます。こんなに素晴らしいホストファミリーに恵まれて嬉しいです。




オレゴンでしか出来ないことを全て経験するために、私は毎日忙しくしています。今はリサイクルクラブに申し込みをしました。これからMr.Billieの『Cupcakes for Cause』 に申し込もうと思っています。『Cupcakes for Cause 』とは、現在がんと闘っている音楽の先生Ms. Violette のためにカップケーキを売ってお金を集める活動です。Ms. Violette への寄付はインターネットからの出来るので、もし私たちと一緒に助けたいと思った方がいらっしゃったら下記のリンクからアクセスしてみて下さい!  https://www.gofundme.com/2kd5uyc
