From New Zealand_Study Report on New Plymouth GHS_Nov.2016
Here comes the updated report on the students exchange program for New Plymouth Girls’ High School in New Zealand. Naoka Yoshizawa is now participating in this program for a year long.
Hello. This is Naoka Yoshizawa from New Zealand. How have you been doing? The school of seniors for New Plymouth Girls’ High School, where I am now going to started Term4 on the 10th of October and finished on the 1st of November. Juniors have classes until December. Also, my classes are finished. I am so sad. But I have ESOL classes until December with 4 other international girls. That’s good to me. I would like to share 3 things which I did and about school with everyone.
The first one is about this weekend. One of my international friend from Korea is year13th, which means she will go to university next year. So, I decided to spend much time with her and this weekend I went to town with her. We were shopping, eating our favorite food and talking a lot. To be honest, I can’t believe that she is going to leave New Plymouth and I can’t hang out, talk and spend time with her. I am so sad. But I hope we can hang out in the future in each country and we are BFF (best friend forever)!!!
Secondly, I had a farewell party for year 13 international girls and 4 girls who are going to leave at the end of the year. Many girls were attending the party for them and the year 13 girls did a speech for us about their 3 years since they came here. It was so wonderful and some of teachers cried with some tears… it absolutely moved everyone’s heart and I sympathized with their speech. There were many food as well lol
Thirdly, I had senior prize giving on the 1st of November. Prize giving is kind of mixed graduation ceremony and closing exercises of the end of the year. All year 11, 12 and 13 students, some parents and all teachers were attending it. It took 2 hours and there were many tears. For year 13 students. It was final ceremony in the school and for some of them, it was the final day for them to come to school. Almost all the students of year 13 seemed to enjoy it and decided their own way. Some of the girls got some prizes and I also got a prize called Diligence Award. This award is given for students who studied hard this year. I am so glad to get this award and proud of myself. There are sports award, academy award and special award for each year levels.
It’s already November and it is almost Christmas. I will experience Christmas in summer so I want to enjoy it. Also, I spent 7 months and I have only 5 months left. I’m feeling like it’s a long time but also short. In New Plymouth, cherry blossoms bloomed 2 weeks ago but already they become green. I felt so fast to spend time.
Thank you for reading. I am looking forward to seeing you next time!
次に、year13そして年末に自国へ帰ってしまう、インターナショナルの友達のfarewell partyについてです。たくさんの生徒がfarewell partyに参加しました。中でも今年帰国してしまうyear13の生徒のスピーチはとても素晴らしかったです。彼女たちが今まで過ごしてきた3年間、経験してきたことは先生も涙し、また、私も共感できるもので、心を動かされました。たくさんの美味しい食べ物もありました。(笑)
最後は、11月1日に行われたprize givingについてです。prize givingとは、卒業式と年度末の終業式が混ざったような集会のことで、year11, 12,13の生徒、保護者そして先生方が出席し、多くの人が涙する行事です。Year13の生徒にとって最後の集会であり、何人かの生徒にとっては、最後の登校日でした。ほとんどの生徒は集会を楽しみ自分の道を決めているように見えました。何人かの生徒は賞をもらいました。私もDiligence Awardという年間を通して勉学に励んだ者がもらえる賞をいただきました。とても嬉しく思い、同時に自分を誇らしく思います。他にもsports award, academy awardそしてspecial awardが各学年、授与されます。