
帰国小学生英語講座からのお知らせ_Update English Class for Returnee Elementary Kids

Happy New Year to the students and parents of Otsuma Nakano Special English Class for returnee elementary kids!


We are more than happy to express our new year greeting and let you know updated information about our special English class for returnee elementary kids.


On Jan. 7th of 2017, our new year class has started. In terms of this English class during our 3rd term, the following Saturdays will be available.  1/7, 1/21, 1/28, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4.   On all Saturdays, class will start at 10:45 and be over at 12:35.  


New comers to this class are always more than welcome.  For further information, please contact us through the address: toiawase@otsumanakano.ac.jp




Mr. Vickers, teacher in charge

Mr. Mizusawa, coordinator



 1/7, 1/21, 1/28, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4 です。いずれも10:45~12:35、本校英語室で実施します。



