From America_Study Report Pleasant Hill HS_Dec.31_2016
We are very sorry to take long time to showcase this new report from Pleasant Hill, Oregon, USA. An exchange student, Akane Takahashi, gives you New Year greetings and her fantastic time there during happy holidays. Here we go!!!
Happy New Year! I'm sorry it's late. Here is the report.
Wow! It’s already the end of December! Happy New Year Everyone! This year I am sad because I can’t eat Japanese traditional food for New year, Osechi and Ozoni.
On December 8, I had “Breakfast with Santa.” Breakfast with Santa is an event held by Mr. Billie participants. In the event, we served breakfast and we set up a photo booth in which you can take pictures with Santa. My job was to sell calendars. It was very nice event and had a lot of fun.
Winter in Oregon is so much colder than that in Tokyo. When I woke up one morning, all the trees were frosted and it was so beautiful. Since the road was also frozen, we had no school for a couple of days before winter break. We also had a two hour delay. As soon as I heard the phone call early in the morning, I would go back to bed and sleep again because I knew it was from school to announce that school would start with two hour delay!
I also enjoyed Christmas. We went to buy a Christmas tree that was seven feet tall. It was my first time buying a real Christmas tree. Then we decorated it with ornaments. By the time we finished decorating, our whole house smelled so good from the tree.
On December 23, it was my host mother's birthday, so we went to her favorite restaurant for Thai food. Then we watched the movie called "Sing". Since we went there right before it started, we had to sit in the front row, but it was a very cool reclining seat. The movie was long, but it was really fun to watch.
On the next day, we had a Christmas dinner. I really liked a giant ham. It tasted delicious. Then we played board games and watched a Christmas movie. I stayed up late and couldn't wake up early the next morning to go hiking. So my host sister, brother and I stayed home waiting for everyone to get home. Once we all gathered in front of the Christmas tree, we opened presents. I got Oregon Ducks sweaters, shirt, candles, books, journals, candies and a nice jacket. Opening presents was so much fun! I'm really thankful for my host family for giving me such a nice presents.
Let me talk about my basketball team too. I have been having so much fun and learning new things. We had Regis tournament last week. Unfortunately, we lost against Colton, but on the next day when we played against City Christian, we won. The league is about to start in a few days. This is my first time, so I am super excited. I really enjoy playing basketball in PHHS because everybody cheers me on. During the game when I do something good, everyone says, "good job". Even if I make a mistake, they say, "It's alright!” or something similar. When we have home games, some people call my name and that really helps me as well. I really like how people are being inclusive and that is the moment when I feel very happy being part of PHHS.
The last thing I am going to share with you about is New Year's Eve. I felt like 2016 past so fast. It was a challenging year for me coming to Oregon by myself and being away from my family and friends. I met many nice people and had a lot of experience. I hope I can challenge myself with more things in 2017 and absorb as many things as possible. I am so excited for the new year and totally ready to have fun. I hope everyone will have a fantastic year 🙂
12月8日には、Breakfast with Santaというイベントがありました。このイベントはMr. Billieという活動に参加している生徒たちで行ったものです。このイベントでは、私たちが作った朝ごはんを食べられたり、サンタと写真を撮るブースもあります。主に幼稚園生や小学生向けのイベントなので、自分でクリスマスツリーのオーナメントを作る事ができる所もありました。私はカレンダーを売る係でした。皆が楽しかったと言っている姿を見てやりがいを感じました。
次の日はクリスマスの食事をしました。とても大きなハムをオーブンで焼きました。とても美味しかったです。食事が終わったら、ボードゲームをしながらクリスマスの映画を観ました。イヴの日は遅くまで起きていたので次の日の朝は早く起きれず、ハイキングには行けませんでした。なので、ホストシスターとホストブラザーと一緒に皆が帰ってくるのを待っていました。皆が帰ってきたところで、クリスマスツリーの下に集まって、順番にプレゼントを開けていきました。私はOregon Ducksのスウェット、シャツ、キャンドル、本、日記、お菓子、ジャケットなどを貰いました。こんなに沢山プレゼントを用意してくれたホストファミリーに感謝したいです。
私のバスケットボールのチームについても書きたいと思います。私は新しいことを沢山学んでいます。先週Regis のトーナメントがありました。Coltonという学校には負けてしまいましたが、City Christianという学校には勝ちました。あと数日でリーグ戦が始まります。私にとって初めてなのでとても楽しみです。PHHSのバスケのチームの皆は励ましてくれるので、どんな練習メニューでも楽しめます。いいプレイをすると、"Good job" と行ってくれたり、失敗しても"It's alright" などと声を掛けてくれます。時にはコーチも冗談を言い合ったりして、いつも明るいチームです。ホームゲームの時は観客席にいる友達が私の名前を叫んでくれ、私はそれがとても嬉しいです。PHHS のチームの一員としてゲームで戦えることがすごく嬉しいです。