
From New Zealand Study Report on New Plymouth GHS_170217

From Otsuma Nakano International Department. 

A year-long-term exchange student at New Plymouth Girls High School, Naoka Yoashizawa, introduces you her current school life there.  It is the last term for her to study at New Plymouth Girls’ High School.  So her report tells us her strong will to make her days fruitful. 


Hello. This is Naoka Yoshizawa. How have you been? New students from Otsuma Nakano joined us 2 weeks ago. They looked so nervous at first, but also expecting a lot of experiences.  We didn’t talk much for the first week but from this week, we talked a lot and built deeper friendships. I would like to talk about my first week at school and what I did with them.


The first thing is about what was going on my first week at school. This year, I would take classes of English, Hospitality, Math, Physics, ESOL and Sports. But I had to change my subject because my Math Extension class and Hospitality class are at the same time. Then I dropped Hospitality class and I am taking Geography class now.  It is impossible to change subjects in Japan, but I can do at NPGHS, so it is good experience for me to be honest. I am taking sports class this term and it is summer, so we have swimming class!  Actually, the weather in New Plymouth is not good, so sometimes cold and raining like winter. But even if it is raining, we usually swim and it made me surprised. And I understand that kiwi girls are so tough. At Otsuma Nakano, we don’t have pool, so I didn’t have swimming class and I haven’t swum for 4 years properly before this summer. In first class, I had to swim for 400m and kiwi girls swam for 10 minutes but I nearly drowned several times, so it took me 20 minutes.  I just knew that I need to practise harder than them.    I had wanted to change my subject, but I think it will be good experience to try thing which I can’t in this last term.


The next thing is about our weekend with Shoka and Haruka!! We went to town on Saturday! They arrived 2 weeks ago, so I took them to town and had a lot of fun! We did shopping, eating a lot of delicious stuff and chatting a lot! We went ice cream shop and ate ice cream, went to Sushi shop and ate Sushi. Finally, we went to Starbucks even though we already were full… Also we bought same water bottle! It is so cute and from Kathmandu., which sells kind of outdoor stuff. We took a lot of selfies and chatting ourselves a lot. I think we were getting closer and deeper friendships! I also want to take them to a lot of place and show them a lot of beautiful views and culture food. Especially, in New Zealand, there is a lot of delicious and high calories food, so I want to let them eat!!! I am looking forward to hanging out with them and having a lot of chatting so much!!

 I have only 1 term in New Plymouth and I already think about when I leave here. It makes me so sad. But I want to try everything which I can or can’t and get a lot experiences. The weather is still not like summer but hotter and hotter.  And also if I have some opportunities, I really want to go the other cities as well!


Thank you for reading! See you next time!!




まずは、私の学校での最初の1週間についてです。最後の1タームは、英語、家庭科、数学、物理、ESOL、体育を専攻しようと思っていたのですが、数学と家庭科の授業時間が重なってしまったため、科目変更をしました。家庭科を取らずに、地理学に変更しました。日本では、科目変更はできませんが、NPGHSではできるので家庭科を取らないのは残念ですが、経験にもなりました。また、体育の授業では、夏ということでスイミングが始まりました!本当はニュープリマスでは、いまだに気候が思わしくなくまるで冬のように寒かったり、雨が降ったりしています。しかし、NPGHSでは、雨が降っていてもスイミングをやるんです!これには、流石に驚きましたが、同時にkiwi girlsがタフだと実感しました。大妻中野には、プールがないのでプールの授業もなく約4年間きちんと泳いでいませんでした。プールの最初の授業では、400mも泳がなくてはなりませんでした。Kiwi girlsは、10分程度で簡単に終わらせていたのに、私だけ、20分もかかってしまい流石に恥ずかしかったです。やはり、練習をほかの子たちより多くしないといけないことを実感しました。正直、科目変更も考えましたが、最後の1タームは自分が出来ないことでもトライして、良い経験を作ろうと思い変更せずに頑張ろうと思います。





