From Australia Report on St. Andrew’s Catholic College_170320
Here comes a new report from Australia. An exchange student, Ayaka Kobayashi, shares her current experiences at St. Andrew’s and her life with great nature in Australia.
Hello, this is Ayaka Kobayashi from Cairns. I have gotten used to the heat here, but I feel the heat when it is over 40 degrees. When I came back home last Tuesday, the temperature was 43 degrees!! But it stopped being hot from 4 to 6 p.m. I like studying outside and playing with the dogs in the yard. I can feel the Australian wind on my body during the time.
At night, my host father often gets me out of the house and he teaches me some star constellations, the sounds of insects and names of animals in the yard. The star sights are so beautiful at night in Australia, and they are everywhere in the night sky. I can see them so clearly. And also, I have heard that I can sometimes get the opportunity to see a shooting star. If I see a shooting star, I will wish "Please let me stay in Australia a little longer!!!"
Now, I'll tell you about my life in Cairns. Let's go!
St. Andrew's College is a catholic school. And they cultivate "Love Your Neighbours". There are so many active charities that are thriving at the school. Last Thursday, some students did a barbecue. They put a sausage on a piece of bread and were selling them. Then, they collected donations. I also participated and bought a sausage sandwich. I feel very pleased to contribute to people who need support. Last Tuesday, an event was held, which contributes to cancer patients. Some junior and high school students cut their hair! Last year, my host sister also took part in this charity. And she also cut her hair. This year, she is in charge of managing the project. Also, some middle school students had their hair coloured in their favorite color. Other people collected some money. My host sister had meetings with her friends who also participated in the activity and they discussed how to support people who have cancer and poor people almost every morning.
She has taken part in many diverse charities. For example, she slept on the street with poor children who have no house, participated in "ROSIES", which feeds the homeless and in "Vinnies", which helps disadvantaged people. Also, she went to join “Relay For Life". It is a program that around one thousand people from Cairns community joined the walk from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m., which means to be 15 hours’ walk and they raised some money for cancer research. We can see some result of her efforts on her school tie. She has lots of badges. St. Andrew's joined the activity "Love your neighbour" two weeks ago. It was run by Caritas, Australian charity organization. All the students contribute money to each home form class's donation box. They keep on doing it for six weeks and the project theme is compassion. This year, St. Andrew's will send the money to Indonesia.
Caritas means "Love of God " and they preach help your neighbour, who live all over the world. I think the reason why there are so many active charities is not only for teaching catholic beliefs but also for encouraging students to participate voluntarily, so that they can learn a lot from it.
Last Wednesday, I showed kendama and daruma- dropping games to middle school students. They wanted to try them themselves, so they quick studied hiragana drill and played the game. I was happy that they were interested in Japanese traditional games. Also, I taught hiragana. Students memorized hiragana by applying them to the names of animals, things and sounds that they already know. There are a lot of examples and I thought this way was easy to understand for beginners.
On Friday, I taught calligraphy to Year 11 and 12 Japanese students. They chose their favourite character and moved the writing brush while they followed my model. I taught some kanjis to senior students. Also, I wrote their names in kanji. They wrote happily using small writing brushes. Finally, I gave some model writings to the students. It was hard that I taught calligraphy in English. But I felt proud because everyone enjoyed it. My effort was really worth it.
And last Sunday, I went to "Green Island"! Green Island is an island of coral. It was made of coral and it took around six thousand years to form. Green Island is called the green jewel in Great Barrier Reef. My host family and I travelled from Cairns to Green Island by cruise ship. While I was in the boat, I felt so comfortable as I could see the whole ocean with standing in a cool breeze. The sea's color at the island was transparent emerald green. It was so beautiful!! And I did parasailing. I could see sea around the whole island. I saw a panoramic view of Cairns and other town, light and shade of the sea that were made of the coral reef. It was a very short time, but it was so exciting and it was filled with thrills.
Next, I snorkelled. At first, I could not snorkel very far, but my host family taught me so I could gradually swim out further. When I swam with my host father, we saw a shark which was about 2・5 m. Also, we saw a lot of creatures such as colourful fish which were light blue and green, fish that swam strangely and rare cream and purple coral. I could not believe it! I saw a ray!! I was surprised to see it in its natural way because I have seen it only at an aquarium. I was excited shouting, "Oh, ray!! ray!! It's amazing! " It was so superb because the world of the sea was not man-made but nature created. And I felt vital energy of the great nature. When we went to Green Island, it was the most perfect day in a year!
It makes me realize that the time is near for me to leave Australia. I am grateful for the time in Cairns because I got speak so much English and enjoyed lots of funny things. Although I only have one week of studying abroad left, I will do my best till the end and will treasure my memories of spending time with my host family. Thank you for reading my report!
Ayaka Kobayashi
皆さん、こんにちは。小林礼佳です。こちらの暑さにもすっかり慣れましたが、40℃を超えた日にはやはり熱いです。先週の火曜日は、何と43℃でした!! しかし4時から6時ごろには、暑さも引くのでその間に外に出てオーストラリアの風を感じながら勉強したり、犬たちと外で遊んだりするのが好きです。
夜に、よくホストファザーが庭に出て私に星座や動物の鳴き声や名前を教えてくれます。オーストラリアの夜の星は本当にきれいで、くまなく空が星に埋め尽くされています。それぞれの星座の形がくっきりと見えます。ときには流れ星に臨むことができるそうです。もし流れ星を見ることができたら、”オーストラリアにもう少し滞在させてください” と願います!!
それでは、私のCairns Lifeを紹介したいと思います。行きましょう!
セントアンドリュースはカソリックの学校です。そして彼らは”隣人を愛す”という教えを育成しています。学校では盛んにたくさんのチャリティー活動が行われています。先週の木曜日には何人かの生徒がバーベキューをしました。彼らはソーセージをパンにはさみ、それらを売っていました。そして寄付を募りました。 私もその活動に参加し、ソーセージサンドイッチを買いました。ソーセージを買うという買う行動が人を支える一つの力になれたことをうれしく思いました。そして先週の火曜日にはがんの人のために何人かのJunior and Junior school studentsが髪の毛を刈り、寄付する活動がありました!昨年に、私のホストシスターも参加しました。彼女もまた髪の毛を切りました。今年は活動を運営する側に立っています。また何人かのmiddle school studentsは髪の毛を好きな色のスプレーで染めてもらい、運営側がそのお金を集めていました。私のホストシスターは様々なチャリティー活動に積極的に参加しました。例えば、家のない貧しい子供たちと一緒に路上で寝たり、ホームレスに食べ物を提供する "ROSIES" や、弱い立場の人々を支援する "Vinnies" などがあります。
また、"Relay For Life" にも参加しました。このプログラムは1000人近くのCairns community の人々が午後5時から朝の8時までの15時間を歩き、cancer researchのためにお金を受け取るものです。 彼女の努力の成果が見られます。たくさんのバッジがあります!また、二週間前から始まった"Love your neighbour" という活動にセントアンドリュースも参加しています。これは、オーストラリアのチャリティー団体であるCairnsによって運営されています。全校生徒がそれぞれのhome form class の募金箱に献金しています。生徒たちは思いやりをテーマに、6週間、この活動をします。今年は、セントアンドリュースはインドネシアにお金を送ります。
Caritas とは”神の愛”という意味で、世界に住むすべての人が自分の隣人であると説きます。チャリティー活動が盛んなのはもちろんカソリックの教えもありますが、生徒たちの自主的な参加がよりその活動を活発にし、収穫の多いものにしているように思いました。
先週の水曜日にはmiddle school の生徒たちに、けん玉と達磨落としを披露しました。生徒たちは自分もやってみたいと、ひらがなドリルを早くこなし挑戦していました。日本の伝統的な興味を持ってくれ、うれしかったです。また、ひらがなも教えました。子供たちはひらがなを動物やもの、音に当てはめて覚えていました。たくさんの例がありました。私は初めてひらがなを子たちにとっては非常に覚えやすい方法だと思いました。