From New Zealand Report on New Plymouth GHS_170411
Now we would like to express our sincere thanks to all of you for sharing the reports from New Zealand by Otsuma Nakano exchange students. This is the final report for Term 1, 2017. They will get back to Japan in a several days, but we are sure they left her hearts in New Plymouth.
Hello everyone!!!! This is Haruka Hirata. This report will be the last report from New Zealand. Three months have passed by so fast, but I could enjoy a lot. Actually, this week the weather was so terrible and so cold. It means that winter is coming soon. I would like to share my kiwi life with you.
At first, I want to share my classes which I am taking. English class is the hardest class for me. But fortunately, my English teacher and my host mother are acquaintances, so I can ask some questions to him so easily. On Thursday, I played volleyball during PE class. Everyone played very well so we could start a game soon, which made me so surprised, but I could enjoy a lot!!! During classes, I was too busy to understand the classes at first, but now I can understand them easier than before.
About 2 weeks ago, I made sushi and soba with my host mother!!! We invited my host father's parents as well. Actually, it was the first time to make sushi at home because I always only buy and eat. So, when my host mother said to me "You are Japanese, so of course you know how to make sushi??" I was so confused actually. But I could make amazing dinner and everyone said, "it's awesome" so I felt so happy!!!
Last weekend, I went to Mt. Taranaki with my host family. Unfortunately, on the day it was not good weather, so I couldn't see the mountain because of clouds. But I saw an amazing waterfall. Actually, I like to be in the nature, so when I visited there, I felt so happy. I don't have enough time by the time we go back to Japan, but if I have an opportunity, I want to go somewhere as well!!!!
On Friday, I went skating with some international students at night!!! It was the first time to do skating, so it was so hard for me. But everyone helped me, so I could enjoy a lot with them. I slipped and fell over several times. Almost all my friends who went there could skate, so it was so hard to catch up with them.
Fortunately, it was really good weather on my last weekend in New Plymouth!!! On Saturday, I went to the Pukekura park with my host family!! Everyone says that Pukekura park is the most famous park in New Plymouth. The day was the last Saturday in New Plymouth for me, so it was good because I had a good time with my host family!!
On Sunday, I went to south Taranaki, which is called Hollards garden!!! It was the last holiday for me in New Plymouth. I could see a lot of beautiful flower and views.
I have only about 1 week until I go back to Japan. It means I don't have enough time to talk and play with my host family. When I didn't have any plans, my host family always took me somewhere. We have a baby in my host family, so it's a little bit hard for me to talk about my kiwi life with my host mother. But after she went to bed and during cooking, I could talk so much. Over all I want to say a big thank you to my host family. If I didn't have them, I couldn't do anything. Actually, when I was tired and not good, I always got so much energy from my host children. I had some problems with them several times, but after getting back to Japan, I definitely miss them.
I've heard that the next girl who will come to New Plymouth from Otsuma for 1 year will stay with the same host family as me. So, I'm teaching some Japanese words to my host mother. My host mother is interested in Japan, so it's good opportunity for her I think. I want the next student to have a good time as well!!!!
I have to leave here next Friday. I really think I don't want to leave because I love New Plymouth and people who I met here!!! But I will try to change my life style in order to get back to Japan. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for giving me a chance to join this exchange program and especially thanks to Otsuma and Girls high teachers, my family and my friends who helped and supported me. I couldn't do anything without them. I want to do everything as much as I can in the rest of my kiwi life!!!
Thank you for reading my report!!!!
先週末には、Mt. Taranakiにホストファミリーと行きました!残念ながら、良い天気でなかったので雲のせいで山をみることはできませんでした。ですが、とても素晴らしい滝をみることはできました!私は自然の場所にいることが好きなので本当に良い経験になりました!残り少ないですが、機会があればまたどこか自然の美しい所に行きたいと思っています!
私にとってニュープリマスでの最後の週末は幸運にもとても良い天気でした!!土曜日にはホストファミリーとpukekura parkに行きました!みんながpukekura parkはニュープリマスで1番有名な公園だと言っています。私にとって最後の土曜日をホストファミリーと過ごすことができてとても嬉しかったです!
日曜日には、ホストファミリーとHollards gardenと呼ばれる南の方のタラナキに行きました!最後の休日だったので、遠くに行くことができた上、たくさんトークしたり美しい景色を見れたりして楽しかったです!!