From New Zealand_Report on New Plymouth GHS_170520
It’s our great pleasure to introduce another current one year exchange student studying at New Plymouth Girls’ High School for 2017-2018, Wako Miyazawa, a Year 10 student of Otsuma Nakano HS. We are very pleased to share her kick off report on her study and life in Zealand. Here we go!
Hi. My name is WAKO. I am now studying abroad in New Zealand. I arrived in Auckland on April 28th and transferred to New Plymouth. My host family was waiting for me and we talked a lot in the car, which made me relieved and happy. They are very kind.
And also, my school has started from May 1th. At first I was really nerves and worried. But students have talked to me a lot, so I think I am getting used to school little by little. We finished our school orientation on May 4th and the spell has started from the afternoon of the day. Teachers are talking a bit fast, so I want to try to do my best.
The subjects that I chose to take are science, math, geography, English, music and ELA. They are really fun. Also, I decided to join orchestra, inline skating, maori and surfing. I have never tried maori and surfing, so I am worried about those but I hope it will be fun. Maori is a kind of dancing which maori people do and they are called it “haka”.
My studying abroad has just started, so there are lots that I am worried, but I will do my best.
Thank you for reading my report and I hope you will keep on reading my next report. I will post my report once in a month from now.
こんにちは。宮澤和子です!私は1年間ニュージーランドに留学しています。4月28日にオークランドに着き、乗り継いでニュープリマスに来ました。ホストファミリーはニュープリマスの空港で待っていてくれて家に行く時にもたくさん話しました とっても優しい方です。
私が選択した科目は数学、ELA、理科、地理、英語、音楽です。 まだ少ししかたっていませんがとっても楽しいです。そして私はオーケストラ、インラインスケート、マオリ、サーフィンを習い事としてやることにしました。サーフィンとマオリはやったこともないので大丈夫か不安ですが楽しんでできればいいなぁと思っています。 (マオリというのはマオリ族のダンスです。ハカと言います)