From Australia Report on St. Andrew’s Catholic College 170603
What a wonderful world! It’s so great to share with you all the following new report by Kanna Kuramoto on her amazing Cairns life there. We definitely appreciate all of you reading her excellent job.
Hello, everyone! This is Kanna Kuramoto from Cairns. It has passed 7 weeks since I came here. Time flies so fast!! Recently, I feel like a week has gone faster and faster. When I think I have to leave Cairns in only three weeks, it makes me very sad, but I’m gonna spend time in Cairns with cherishing! And also, I’m gonna concentrate on the assignments and something in front of me! Now, I would like to share my amazing Cairns life with you! Here we go!!
Last Wednesday, I went on an excursion with all of the year 10 students. Year 10 is similar with “KOUKOU 1 NENSEI” in Japan, and they’re starting to think about their dream jobs and university they should go seriously. So, this excursion was like an open campus. There were many kinds of Australian university booths in the large building, and we could look around our interesting university booths. I got lots of goods of the universities there, so I thought it was satisfying and meaningful event. Moreover, not only walking around the booths of universities simply, but also we could put tattoo sticker for free. I felt like this event was a party. Most of the high schools in Cairns came to this event, so I could see other school students. I saw other schools’ uniforms, and could feel their atmosphere, so I got a fresh impression. But after all, I thought St. Andrews students were the politest and most intellectual!
Also last Saturday, I went to Green Island with Anna and her host family. A boat heading Green Island was very shaking because of big waves, so I saw lots of people who felt sea sick and I was little worried about them. But after we arrived the island, we were released from the pitching motion of the boat, and we could be relaxed to see the beautiful landscapes. I snorkelled with Anna and her host family. We saw lots of fish. I have never snorkelled since I came to Cairns, so it was very exciting. We found a turtle twice. We were lucky!!
After we came back from Green Island, we did sleepover in Anna’s host family’s house. Her host family was very different with my host family, so I felt interesting. In my host family, they have two small children, so our house is always lively, but Anna’s host family has two teenager children, so their atmosphere of family was calm. But at night, they were playing music and dancing, and I was surprised a little and felt fresh. This sleepover was good opportunity to learn difference of life pattern between depends on the family. The experience to visit to another host family was stimulating for me!!
Everyday, I have lots of things to do and I’m good busy. What I have to keep in mind is trying everything harder and harder. I’ve got used to living in Cairns in English. It is good thing, but I also think this kind of familiarity can make my precious Cairns life routine with no stimulation. So I need not to forget fresh feeling, and I’m gonna keep trying hard actively!! Thank you for reading my report. See you soon!!
皆さんこんにちは!ケアンズに留学中の倉本栞汀です!あっという間に7週間が過ぎてしまいました。最近、ますます1週間が経つのが早く感じます。このままあと3週間過ごしてすぐケアンズを発つということを思うと寂しいですが、目の前のことだけに集中して1日1日を大切に過ごしたいと思います!それでは、今週も私のamazing Cairns lifeを紹介していきます!Here we go!!
先週の水曜日、year10の生徒みんなで遠足に行きました。year10の生徒たちは日本でいう高校1年生とほとんど同じで、将来の職業や大学について真剣に考えはじめています。 そのため、今回行った遠足はオープンキャンパスのようなものでした。広い敷地のある建物の中に、オーストラリアの様々な大学のブースがあり、私たちは自分たちの興味のある大学のブースを自由に見て回れました。たくさんの大学の資料やグッズなどももらえ、とても充実していました。さらに、真面目に見て回るだけではなく、無料でタトゥーシールなども付けてもらえたため、パーティーのようでとても楽しかったです!!このイベントには、St. Andrewsの生徒たちだけでなくケアンズの他の学校の生徒たちも沢山来ていました。そのため、他の学校の雰囲気や制服などを見ることができ、とても新鮮に感じました。たくさんの他の学校の生徒たちを見ましたが、St. Andrewsの生徒たちがやはり1番礼儀正しく上品だったと思います!!
このレポートを読んでくれてありがとうございました。では、また、See you soon!!