From America Report on Pleasant Hill HS Oregon 170615
Now this academic year for America is getting close to the end. Akane Takahashi, an exchange student studying at Pleasant Hill High School, Oregon, is now finalizing her school life there. Here is her updated report to share with you! Thank you so much for reading this report in advance.
Hi everyone. This is Akane from Pleasant Hill High School. It seems like everything is going faster as it gets closer to the end of the school year.
Track season has ended this month. I ran 3000m at the District track meet. Since the school wheret we had our track meet was located in a place with high altitude, I didn’t do as good as I wanted, although I still had fun running. My sister Jaesa made it to State Track meet since she marked 2nd in 1500m and 800m. It was so much fun watching her race and I am so proud of her. Summer basketball is starting pretty soon, so I am excited for that one.
On May 20th, we went to Seaside with some of our friends for Jaesa’s birthday party. It took about three hours to get there. We swam in the swimming pool, walked along the beach, and got henna. We also watched two movies at night. I really liked the coast trip with my favorite friends.
On the following weekend, we went to her grandparents’ house and had a barbeque. We swam in the pool and when it got dark out, we sat by the fire. The sunset at their house is so pretty. Here are some pictures of the sunset.
Our school is ending next month. That means we have a lot of finals coming up. It’ll be hard but I will do my best to get good grades.
Thanks for your taking time to read my report.
皆さんこんにちは。Pleasant Hill High School の高橋茜です夏休みが近づくにつれ時間が経つのが早く感じます。
陸上のシーズンが今月終わりました。私は地区大会で3000mのレースに出場しました。地区大会が行われた学校は私が普段練習している場所より標高が高いのであまり早くは走れませんでした。私のホストシスターの Jaesa は州大会でのレースにも出場しました。彼女がレースをしているところをみるのはとても楽しかったです。そしてもうすぐ夏のバスケットボールが始まるので楽しみです。
5月20日にの友達の誕生日パーティーを兼ねてSeasideに行きました。約3時間のドライブでした。Seaside ではプールで泳いだり、海辺でお散歩をしたり、henna をやりました。その日の夜は2本映画をみました。仲の良い友達と一緒に楽しい思い出が作ることが出来てよかったです。