From New Zealand Report on New Plymouth GHS 170617
Now in New Zealand as well as Australia, it is getting into winter season, which means that it is getting close to the end of the term 2 for their school year. Karen Sugahara will share her updated report on her kiwi life there with you all. We definitely appreciate your reading in advance.
Hello! I am Karen Sugahara, one of the exchange students who are currently joining New Plymouth Girls High School for Term 2. We are only three weeks more to stay in New Zealand!
Yesterday, I went to Waitomo glowworm Caves and Kiwi house with my host family and Wako and Kaho. Waitomo glowworm Caves is a cave that the river made. Limestone caves are made by water droplets. And it is sparkling with the light of glow-worms. There we went on a boat. The light was beautiful like a planetarium! Also at the kiwi house, I was able to see real kiwi birds. It was big and the beak was long. It was good to have such a valuable experience here in New Zealand.
Today, I watched Minions movie. The movie has not been released, but I could see it specially because of the favorite from my host mom's company. Of course, it was an English movie, but I could enjoy it because I could understand many English words in the movie.
I would like to enjoy the rest of my study abroad life with studying much more things than ever before. Thank you so much for reading my report!
昨日私と私のホストファミリーと宮澤さんと島田さんでWaitomo glowworm Caves と Kiwi house に行きました。Waitomo glowworm Caves という施設は何千年もの歳月をかけて地下を流れる川が形成した洞窟です。天井から滴り落ちる水滴によって鍾乳洞が作られています。そして内部は何千匹もの土ホタルによる光でキラキラしています。その中をボートに乗って進みました。土ホタルの光はプラネタリウムの様に神秘的でとても綺麗でした! Kiwi house では本物のKiwiの鳥を見ることができました。思っていたよりも大きくてくちばしが長かったです。貴重な体験が出来て良かったです。