
From New Zealand_One Year Exchange Report_170723

As for Otsuma Nakano, our summer holidays have just begun, which means that several short stay international programs in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and America are now going on or will be going on soon.  However, one year students exchange programs are also still going on.  Wako Miyazawa, one of the year exchange program students, will share with you all her insights about the recent life there. 
Hi, everyone. I’m Wako, an exchange student studying at New Plymouth Girls' High School for one year. It is my great pleasure to report my study abroad life here in New Zealand.  It is getting cold here in New Zealand.  However, it is not so cold as winter in Japan.  Of course, in the mornings and the nights, it is very cold.
By the way, the recent ast 2 weeks were school holidays! Yeah! It was really fun. During these 2 weeks' holidays, I enjoyed many things suchas walking, cooking and I also went to park.  I did many activities, which I cannot do at school days. 
One of my favorite places in New Plymouth is Pukekura park. Pukekura park has a lot of nature and it is very large. It is a bit different from Japanese parks.  Actually, it’s not just like a place for playing equipments, but it’s good place for running or walking. I did running actually, which was wonderful. Also, it was so lucky of me because there was only few people even though it was sunny and the park is very popular one in New Plymouth.  I felt so happy and refreshed there because it was so still and quiet. 
From this week, the term 3 will begin. I am sad because I cannot eat lunch or talk with Kaho and Karen at NP Girl's High. I am so surprised that it was 2 weeks ago when I said good bye to Kaho and Karen!  That’s crazy.  At the airport, Kaho and Karen was so crying, but I didn’t because at that time I couldn’t yet believe that they would be going back to Japan and 3 months had passed since I came here. And also, even now 2 weeks have passed since that, which I cannot believe.
And now I have a mixed feeling of hope and anxiety. However, I think this is a great chance that I can change myself, so I will start to make a lot conversation, make new friends, talk a lot with them and I’d like to improve my English skills.  I will do my best.
Thank you so much for reading my report. I hope you enjoyed it and don’t forget to read my next report too!  
Enjoy your summer holiday! 
Bye from Wako.
先週と先々週は2週間休みでした。その間私はウォーキングしたり、料理をしたり、公園に行ったり、普段、学校のある平日はできないことを沢山できました。中でも私の1番のお気に入りはプケクラパークという公園です。 今回はプケクラパークを紹介しようかなと思います。プケクラパークはとても広い公園で自然豊かです 日本の公園とは少し違って遊具だけがあるというような感じではなく、ランニングとかウォーキングなどにむいているという感じです。私も少しウォーキングしてみて森林浴みたいな感じでとても気持ちが良かったです。しかも、私が行った時は朝から晴れていたにも関わらず人もあまり居なく、ラッキーでした。
今週の月曜日からまたターム3が始まります。島田さんと菅原さんは日本に帰ってしまったのでもうお昼を一緒に食べたり一緒に帰ったりできないのだなと思うとちょっと寂しくなります。島田さんと菅原さんに空港でさようならをしたのはもう2週間以上も前なのかと思うと本当に驚きます。 空港で菅原さんと島田さんはすごく泣いていたのですが、私はというと悲しいという感情よりももう3ヶ月が経とうとしているなんて信じられないという感情の方が大きくて泣きませんでした。