
From America – Study at the Univ. of Saint Joseph #2

"Welcome to Connecticut!!"  We finally made our long journay completed, which took us 19 hours since we departed Narita AP.  
Some of us looked very tired of such a long flight from Tokyo via Dallas, Texas, to West Hartford in Connecticut.   We arrived at the BLD Airport around 17:20 as scheduled.  A super cool USJ wagon picked us up from the airport to the beautiful campus of the University of Saint Joseph. USJ language partner students have been waiting for us at the dorm.  All of our students were advised quickly about how to accommodate at the dorm and checked in their rooms.  Have a good sleep !  From tomorrow, we will kick off our American college lives here!!  
コネティカットへようこそ! 長い長い旅。成田からは19時間くらい経ってます。ついにセントジョセフ大学に到着しました。大学のワゴンで、キャンパスへ。セントジョセフ大学のランゲージ・パートナーが待っていてくれました。オリエンテーションを受けて、今日はドミトリーの部屋にチェックインして、休みましょう。いよいよ明日から、アメリカの大学生活が始まります。