
From America – Study at the University of Saint Joseph #9

#9 August 4th, Friday,
Friday morning started with the cloudy sky with humidity, and it was getting clear.  You could see the blue sky and beautiful sunshine there.  It's the typical summer blue sky with cool breeze.  Comfortable!  The stars and strips beautifully flapped in the breeze against the blue sky.
In the morning, another speical class of education by Dr. Ann Monroe. To follow up the yesterday's class, Dr. Ann brought two high school guidebooks (rule books) to us, one of which is from a high school at West Hartford and the other from a high school at the downtown of Hartford.  These guide books are very thick, which showcases that there are a lot of school rules and regulations in American high school.  We can learn the similarity in high school rules between Japanse high schools and American high schools.   
The next part of the today's education class was to make a visit to pre-elementary school attached to the University of Saint Joseph.  It is the School for Young Children, which provides various education programs for very young children. Otsuma 
Nakano students gave greetings to the kids there.   The teacher of the school prepared a globe to point out where Japan is located. At first, Otsuma Nakano students were very shy to play with the kids, but the time made them do active with the kids playing outside.  Dr. Ann wrapped up this class with the words that they interestingly told their parents what they did with "the old sisters" from Japan when they get home.  This is the very important educational process for the kids."
In the afternoon, Dr. Dorothy Keller, who is a professor of art in University of Saint Joseph, took us to the Wadsworth Antheneum (Art Museum) in the downtown area of Hartford. The Wadsworth Antheneum is a great museum exhibiting historical architecture, selected works of traditional fine arts and modern / pop arts in America.
Dr. Dorothy Keller is Chairperson of Department of Fine Arts and Performing Art.  She gave lots of lectures and explantions about pictures and works in the museum, which is the history of American art and how to appreciate works of ancient to modern arts. She is a super energetic professor.  And she is also a person of greatly extensive and remarkable knowledge of fine arts.  We all were impressed with these works of fine arts and her explanation.  This is the real academic study.  We can recognize what it will be like to study in a university.   
The passion for what you want to study will drive you to study more.  University is the place for the students who has such academic passion.   
その後は、セントジョセフ大学に隣接している幼稚園(3歳~5歳の子を対象にした)、The School for Young Childrenを皆で訪問しました。そこで、ここの子どもたちと一緒に遊ぶ授業です。小さな子どもたちに地球儀を見せて、私たちがきた日本を示してあげました。遠い遠いところから来たんだよと。最初は、シャイだった本校の生徒もだんだんと打ち解けて、最後は一緒に外で皆で楽しそうに遊んでいました。アン教授は、「この子たちは今日帰ったら、ママとパパに、日本から来たお姉さんたちと遊んだんだよと報告するでしょう。その報告をすること自体が教育そのものです。」と。
午後は、セントジョセフ大学のアートの教授、ドロシー・ケラー先生の引率で、ハートフォードのダウンタウンにあるWadsworth Museumへ。アメリカで最も古い歴史ある美術館です。ヨーロッパの近代から現代の絵画、アメリカの建国当時から現在のポップアート、日本の美術作品も含めて、幅広いコレクションのある充実した美術館です。何より、ドロシー先生の説明がすごい。すべての作品の作者のこと、背景のことが頭に入っているように作品を語りつくします。このアートへの情熱、これが専門を学ぶと言うことなんだと改めて、強く実感しました。