From America_Final Report on Pleasant Hill HS
It's our great pleasure to share the following final report on the exchange program at Pleasant Hill High School, Oregon, USA. Akane Takahashi, a exchange student from Otsuma Nakano, reflects her sweet memory days there at Pleasant Hill.
Hi this is Akane Takahashi from Pleasant Hill High School. Wow! I can’t believe this is my last report! This year has gone so fast.
On June 2nd, our school had Spring Festival. Boys dressed silly and played volleyball. There was bubble soccer and henna place. It was so sunny and I liked it. Here are some pictures.
I had summer basketball this month. Summer basketball is different than season basketball because we get to play with teams that we would never play during the season. We had a tournament every weekend. At the end of our summer basketball season, we had team barbeque at my teammate, Victoria’s house. It was an amazing opportunity for me to socialize with some 8th grade basketball players.
On June 9th, Pleasant Hill High School had a graduation ceremony. I am sophomore (10th grade) but I was able to participate in the graduation ceremony. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate, so we had our ceremony in the gym. Unlike Japanese graduation ceremony, students are happy to graduate because it is the start of their new life. I personally like the one in America because I felt good afterwards, not sad. After our ceremony, we went to Mt. Hood and had a graduation night. We stayed all night and celebrated our graduation. There was bungee jump, zip line, and tree climbing. I freaked out when I did bungee jump but it was so fun because I was with my friends. We got back at around 12 o’clock in the afternoon. I was so tired but since I had a basketball game, I went straight to Springfield High School. The next day, we went to my host sister and brother's’ cousin’s house and had another graduation party. This was family celebration. I thought it was very neat that everyone in the family can get together and have party.
The school has ended on the 22nd of June. Since I am sophomore and I had some other classes, I had to attend school even after my graduation ceremony. We were supposed to get out earlier but because of the snow days we had after our winter break, we had school until the 22nd. It was stressful on my last week of school because we had so many finals. However, I worked very hard so I am satisfied with my final grade.
On the last day of school, my friends made shirts for our group. I'm sad that I am not going to see all my friends but I am lucky because we have social media and can still stay in touch with them.
My host family and I went to camping at KOA in Astoria. We took the motorhome and drove for about three hours. Motorhome is very comfortable when you travel for a long time. We made fire and had hotdogs and hamburgers. On the next day, we went on a bike ride and went to the beach. The water was little cold but we had so much fun finding sand crabs and pretty seashells. Since this was the first time for me to go camping, it was interesting and had so much fun.
July 4th was America’s independent day. We went to our cousins’ house and had dinner together. We did water fights and played baseball. After that we went to Lowell Lake and watched the fireworks. The firework was pretty with the sunset. It was an awesome experience to spend time with my host family on July 4th.
Thank you so much for reading my report. I hope you enjoyed reading it! I would like to appreciate everything my host family, friends and all the people gave to support me.
皆さんこんにちは。Pleasant Hill High Schoolの高橋茜です。これが私の最後のレポートだなんて信じられない程一年経つにが早かったです。
6月2日にSpring Festival がありました。男子はショートパンツを履いたり、ハイヒールを履いてバレーボールをしました。やっと天気も晴れて、気温も高くなってきたので楽しかったです。
6月9日には卒業式がありました。私は10年生ですが特別に卒業式に参加させて頂きました。残念なことに雨が降ってしまったので式は体育館で行われました。日本の卒業式とは違い、暗い雰囲気ではなく、新しい始まりということで 明るい雰囲気でした。個人的には明るく楽しい雰囲気だったので日本と比べてアメリカの卒業式の方が好みでした。式の後にはパーティーがありました。バンジージャンプ、ジップライン、木登りなどのアトラクションがあり、朝までパーティーをしました。翌日の12時頃に学校に戻りましたが、バスケットボールの試合があったのでそのまま試合に行き、その後はホスファミリーのいとこの卒業パーティーに行きました。親戚で集まって卒業のお祝いができて楽しかったです。
7月4日はアメリカの独立記念日でした。私のホストファミリーの従兄弟の家に行き、水風船で遊んだり、野球をしたりして遊びました。その後はLowell Lakeに行き、花火を見ました。夕焼けをバックグランドにした花火はとても綺麗でした。私のホストファミリーと独立記念日を過ごせていい経験となりました。