From New Zealand_Report on New Plymouth GHS_170925
Wako Miyazawa, a 10th grade high school student of Otsuma Nakano, is now joining one of our student exchange programs in New Plymouth, New Zealand. It is now the 5th month of her stays there for one year to study at the local high school, New Plymouth Girls’ High School. She makes her updated report on her kiwi life as follows;
Hi.! I’m Wako. I would like to thank you all for paying your attention to my repot in advance. How was your summer vacation? Was it nice? I am sure that you did many activities and enjoyed your summer vacation.
In New Zealand, unfortunately, we didn’t have a big vacation yet. I am in the middle of the term 3 right now, and it is even much busier than the term 2. We had lots of assessments and lots of events. This week was mock exam week. It started from Wednesday and it will end on the next Wednesday. Mock exam is about NCEA pre-test. NCEA is New Zealand’s common high school test and we will do it in every November. NCEA is a really big test in New Zealand. I am not doing the NCEA test but I did the mock exam and it was more difficult than I expected (especially music). I did 3 subjects, such as English, Music and Geography. It took us three hours to do English and Geography tests and it took two hours for Music. We were allowed to wear our own clothes, so it was called mufti day. Also we were also allowed to bring sweets, so I brought some candies.
By the way, I went to the puke-ariki museum last weekend with my friend. In the last year August, I went to puke-ariki museum. But ever since the time I have never been there, so it brought back old memories. If you go to the puke-ariki, you can learn about New Zealand history, features, soils and landform. And I took photos there, so that I am able to share them with you. Here are the pictures.
Next I would like to write about NZ’s sweets. The sweets that you can buy here, are a bit different from Japanese ones. The gums are very hard to bit in mouth at first. It is even much harder than Japanese ones. And the gummy candies really sticks to teeth very badly. (It tastes good though). And we have various kinds of biscuits and my recommendation of the biscuits is called Tim Tam. It is very sweet and inside the biscuits, it has hokey-pokey. So if you have an opportunity to visit NZ, I think it is good to try or for souvenirs. But overall, the tastes of sweets are clearer than Japanese ones. For example, the chips are more salty and the cakes are sweeter.
Last Friday, I lost my cell-phone. It was after school. It happened on the way home from my swimming pool. I took the bus to go back to my home, and I thought I put my phone into the pocket of my swimming bag. But at that time, I was too tired and fall asleep, and actually it was on the bus seat. I noticed that I lost my phone when I got back to my room. I was sure that I put into my swimming bag, but I couldn’t find it. And then I realized that I forgot it on my seat. When I notice that, I thought it won’t come back to me forever. I told my host mother about my phone, and she called to the bus officer. Fortunately it was on my seat, and the next day my host mother picked up my phone from the bus office. It was very lucky. I didn’t think my phone would come back to me. I realized that kiwi people are very kind and very similar to Japanese people.
Yesterday, I made pizza with my host family. It was easier to make than I expected and for the toppings, we had capsicum, mushrooms, two types of cheese, olive, chicken, salami and spinach. It tasted really nice and I like it more than the one we bought.
Next, I would like to write about the good points of Japan, which I realize since I came here. First, I found that Japanese education is conducted in the main purpose of acquiring discipline. For example we are not allowed to eat sweets or lunch doing the spells. And more than that, we are not allowed to have drinks during the class. But in here, all these kinds are allowed to do that and we are able to use our phone during the class. When I came here, I was really surprised at these rules because in Japan teachers were very strict to these kinds of ones since I was a kinder garden kid. And then I consider about why there is such big difference between Japan and NZ like this. I am not sure about the reason exactly but I suppose that in Japanese societies it is not always easy to complete their tasks. Sometimes it is so difficult to overcome it. So I think they are trying to educate how to control themselves since we are little.
The next thing that I notice is that the quality of products made in Japan seems to be No. 1 in the world. For example I bought a pencil case the other day, and it didn’t last 1 week. I didn’t treat it so rough. I just treat it normal but it broke. Not only the pencil case, there were many examples that I think Japanese products’ qualities are No.1 but I forgot it. Sorry for my bad memory.
When I talk with my friends, almost all of them ask me “Is it really that Japanese are always together even they are going to the bath room?” And when I say “yes”, they say that it is very odd for them and they cannot understand it. And then, they always want to know my opinion, but unfortunately, it is still difficult for to explain it completely in English.
Almost 5 months passed since I came here and I cannot believe it. It is too quick. I am pretty sure that my ability of listening English is improving because when I first came here I was always translating the sentences that they said into Japanese, but now I can understand directly and although I still cannot response it perfectly, I am able to express my feeling. So my task from now on is to use more difficult words and stop being shy. I have about 7 more months, so I have to do it!!
Thank you for reading my report. I hope you guys enjoy your daily life! See you next report.
次にニュージーランドのお菓子について書きたいと思います。ここのお菓子は日本のお菓子とは少し違います。ガムは一番初めに嚙むときはとても固いです。日本のガムの2倍くらい固いです。グミは歯にとてもくっつきます。(でもおいしいです)こちらではビスケットが人気なので種類も豊富です。私のおすすめはTIM TAMというビスケットでホーキーポーキーを二枚のビスケットで挟んだビスケットです。もし皆さんもニュージーランドを訪れる機会があったらぜひトライしたり、お土産に良いと思います。全体的に日本のお菓子とは味が違います。例えばチップスは日本のよりもしょっぱくてケーキは日本のよりも甘いです。
先々週の金曜日に私は日本から持ってきた携帯をなくしかけてしまいました。その日の放課後、私は水泳をしにプールに行きました。帰りはバスを使って家に帰ろうと思い、バスに乗って携帯をカバンの中にしまったつもりでした。でも疲れすぎて寝てしまい、実際は、携帯は私が座っていた席にありました。 私が携帯をなくしたと気づいたのは家に帰り、自分の部屋に荷物を置いた時でした。絶対鞄のポケットに入れたはずなのにない!と思いそれから席の上に忘れたのだと気が付きました。私は永遠に戻ってくることはないだろうと思いました。すぐにホストマザーに携帯のことを言い、バス会社に電話をかけてくれました。幸運な事にまだ私が座っていた席の上にあり、次の日ホストマザーが取りに行ってくれました。(私は学校があったので行くことができませんでした) 私は、ここは治安が良いところだけれど、海外だし携帯は一生戻ってくることはないだろうと思っていました。キウイの人は日本人みたいに親切な人が多いのだなと思いました。
次に私がニュージーランドに来てから改めて感じた日本の良いところについて書きたいと思います。 「日本の教育は自分を我慢して規律を守る教育をしている。」 - 例えば、日本では授業中にお菓子やお昼ごはんを食べてはいけません。それだけでなく、飲み物も飲んではいけません。しかしニュージーランドの多くの学校ではこのようなことは許されていて、それだけでなく携帯を使うことも許されています。初登校日の日はとても驚きました、なぜなら私は幼稚園生のころから先生達はこのようなルールにはとても厳しかった記憶があるからです。 そこで私はなぜ日本とニュージーランドでこのような違いがあるのか考えました。明確な理由は分かりませんが、日本の社会の仕事の多くはいつも簡単にこなすことができるというものではないと思っています。乗り越えるのがとても大変な時もあります。だから子供たちが小さい時から小さな我慢をする訓練をして我慢強くなれるような教育をしているのだと思います。
「日本製の物の質の高さは世界一である。」 - 例えば私は先日筆箱を買いました。しかしそのわずか一週間後、チャックの部分が取れて壊れてしまいました。私は特別ひどく筆箱を扱った訳ではなく、普通に扱っていました。この筆箱だけでなく、他にもこのように感じることがありました。(私は記憶力があまりよくないため、わすれてしまいましたが)