From New Zealand_New Report on Exchange at New Plymouth GHS_180130
Here comes an updated report from New Zealand. Wako Miyazawa, a year 10th Otsuma Nakano student, who is a one-year-long exchange student studying at New Plymouth Girls' High School in New Zealand, Wako Miyazawa, get her excellent report into all of you about her super summar vacation there in New Zealand. Her report is as follows:
Hello everyone. And happy new year! How was your winter vacation??
Last year I had a kiwi Christmas here. In New Zealand, Christmas is one of the biggest events. I think in Japan, Christmas Eve is more popular than Christmas day, right? However, we don’t do many things on the Eve. Actually I had a normal lunch and dinner that day. But when I woke up the next day, everything was very busy and went fast, so I felt more tired than normal at the end of the day. When I first woke up and went to the iving room, there were many presents under the Christmas tree! Some of them were from my host grandfather and grandmother and relatives. And I got presents from my host family and host grandmother! My host family's present to me was the game called LIFE and from my host grandmother, she gave me a nice, cute bag which has the shape of New Zealand. After we had breakfast in our home, we went to their grandparent’s house to have morning tea and then, we went to my host father’s aunt’s house to have lunch together. There were more than 30 people there to celebrate Christmas day. We stayed there for about 5 hours of fun, eating so much foods, drinks and sweets. We went back to my host grandparent’s again to have dinner. After that which we had too many things, we finally got back to our home. I met numerous people, but they were all kind so I didn’t fell isolated or lonely. We had barbecues for lunch and dinner!
From the 27th of December to the 3rd of January, we went to the place called Tutukaka for vacation. We went there by car, from here to Tutukaka. It is about six hours drive from here to Auckland and from Auckland, it took approximately four hours. we went to Auckland on the first day and then we stayed in their grandparent’s house. We drove to Tutukaka the next morning. When we arrived, we soon started to make our tent. It was my first time to make tent but it wasn’t as difficult as I expected and it took less time than I thought. My host family and me went there first and then their grandparents came because they had work.
During this holiday, we went to beaches every day. This is the picture of the beach. I learned how to bodyboard from my host father. At first I was scared of the big waves but I got used to it every time we go there so at last, I became addicted and now, I am doing it in New Plymouth beaches. I wanted to tell you exactly what it feels like and what it looks like but it is difficult to say in words. I guess one of the closest example is the camera short which is close to the edge of water in the movie called Titanic. That scene is short and it is only about 20 sec but the camera shot is good enough to explain what it looks like from body board. There are few points to do well on body board. First you should stand on accurate place where the waves break. When the waves stared to break, you paddle the water strongly, also use your legs to kick and add some speeds. And then this is the most difficult point, you never let your board. Just stick on it and balance on it. if you master all of these points you become experts in body board. Some people said they prefer to do body surfing so I tried it but when the waves came, all that I remember was like in the washing machine.
We went to port to see ships because my host brother loves ships, cars and helicopters. My host father explained to me that some of them are very expensive that it is more then $1,000,000,000. I knew it is expensive though I didn’t even think it is that expensive.
During this holiday, I am taking an IELTS extra class. IELTS is an international English test and the four skills are required reading, writing, listening and speaking. Because we need four skills, some people says it is more accurate than Toeic or Toful. This test is very useful if you are planning to go to an oversea university and AO exam in Japan too. I tested all of my four skills at first, I had a little bit of confidence but almost all of the things doesn’t go well at your first time as you expect right?? And unfortunately, this wasn’t any exception. I had a lower score than I expected but after that, we had many classes and I learned how to write essays and so many things.
I am still in summer holidays, so I go to beach and do body boarding often. I sometimes go to town and do some shopping with my friends.
And in the recent days I feel that my way of thing has changed a lot. For example, some things I didn’t notice it when I was in Japan were very important for my lives. I was thinking that young people must go to college. I didn’t have any exact reason for this because I just thought this is how it goes and most of the Japanese people are going to university after they graduate their high school. But now, I don’t think we must do. I met many people who didn’t go to university in here and they all look happy and satisfied what they are doing. I learned that going to college is not the only way to live greatly. But I still what to go to university to learn English and also many other things to have wider chose for my life when I grow up. This was a great opportunity to think why I want to go to university and what to learn from there.
And do you know why my way of thing has changed? It is definitely because I came to New Zealand and met so many people not only kiwi people but also international people. Those hundreds of people helped me when I needed help and when there is a thing that I couldn’t understand or confused they explained to me until I get it. They taught me what are the things that we need for life and we don’t need so many things.
And this Saturday, three girls from Otsuma Nakano came for term study abroad! I hope they like here and enjoy their time. So please look forward for their first reports too! Thank you for reading my long report. I hope you enjoyed it!!
私は去年、こちらのクリスマスを体験しました。クリスマスは一番大きなイベントの一部です。日本ではクリスマスイブがメインになりつつあると思いますがこちらではイブは何も特別な事はしません。実際私も普通のお昼ごはんと夕食を食べました。しかし、次の日起きてみると全てが速く忙しく感じました。なので夜は疲れ切っていました。朝、クリスマスツリーの下には沢山のプレゼントがありました。 それらのいくつかはホストファミリーの祖父母、親戚からでした。そして私もプレゼントをホストファミリーとそのおばあちゃん達から英語バージョンの人生ゲームと可愛いお洒落なニュージーランドの地図が描かれているバックをいただきました。それからモーニングティーを食べにおじいちゃんとおばあちゃんの家に、そして今度は親戚の人の家にお昼を食べに行きました。 親戚の人の家には30位の人たちがクリスマスを祝福しにいました。そこには5時間ほどいてそれからまたおじいちゃんとおばあちゃんの家に夕食を食べに行きました。この日1日皆食べて食べて食べ過ぎてやっと家に戻りました。私は沢山の人に会ってほとんど初めて会った人たちだったのですが皆さんとても優しかったのでクリスマスだったけれど寂しいなどとは感じませんでした。お昼と夕食、両方バーベキューでした。
私たちは、弟が船と車とヘリコプターなどの乗り物が好きなので、船を見に港に行きました。私のホストのお父さんは、そのうちのいくつかは非常に高価で、$ 1,000,000,000以上のものがあると教えてくれました。私は高価だとは思っていたけど、はるかに想像は超えていました。
この休暇中、私はIELTSのクラスを受講しています。 IELTSは国際的な英語テストであり、読解、筆記、聞取り、会話の4技能が必要なテストです。 4つのスキルが必要なので、トイックやトフルよりも正確に判定されるという人もいます。この試験は、海外の大学や日本の大学のAO入試を目指す予定がある場合には非常に有効であるとのことです。私は4つのスキルのすべてを最初にテストしましたが、少し自信がありましたが、最初から全てがうまくいく訳ありません。残念ながら、私も例外ではありませんでした。私が期待したよりもスコアが低かった訳ですが、その後、沢山のクラスを受講し、エッセイなどの書き方も学びました。
そしてなぜ私の考え方が変わったか分かりますか? それはニュージーランドに来て沢山の国籍が違う人たちにあって刺激を受けたからです。彼らは私が助けが必要な時に助けてくれ、分からなかったり混乱していることは私が分かるまで1から説明をしてくれました。そして彼らは私に人生において本当に必要なものはそんなに多くはない事を教えてくれました。