
From GLC_Cool Journal_Good Vibes_Vol.2

本校グローバル・リーダーズ・コースの生徒たちは、さまざまに自主活動を行っています。その一つ、英語Paperの自主作成、発行を紹介します。"Good Vibes", スタイリッシュであることにこだわった作品です。


Otsuma Nakano Global Leaders Class students are always committed to independent works in and outside school.  One of their such kind of activities are to produce independent paper magazine.   Ayaka Okada and Akane Takahashi, from junior students of GLC of Otsuma Nakano, are now introducing their paper called "Good Vibes."   Its contents are "Best Burgers in Tokyo," "Valentine's Day around the World," and " Movie Recommendation", which looks so intriguing, informative and stylish.  I hope you enjoy reading their great work.  


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