
From New Zealand_Report on New Plymouth GHS_180307


A new report from New Zealand has reached us, which is well done by Mizuki Motoue, a term 1 exchange student from Otsuma Nakano to New Plymouth Girls’ High School.  We surely hope you will share the following report.


Hello there, I am Mizuki Motoue, an exchange student at New Plymouth Girls’ High School in New Zealand.  Now, it’s my turn to report what’s going on with my kiwi life here.  Here we go!


Recently I have been eating Whittakers chocolate, which is made in New Zealand. Sometimes people say foreign chocolates taste different from Japanese ones, but this chocolate is really good and familiar because I think it tastes like Meiji's chocolate. My favorite taste is mint chocolate, inside chocolate contains something like peppermint cream, which melts in my mouth. I'll buy 3 bars for my friends who like mint chocolate taste, but I feel sad because almost all of my friends don't like its taste because it tastes like a tooth paste.


On 25th, February, I went to fish and chips night where many international students gathered at Ngamotu beach to contact each other. There were many people from different countries, such as Chinese, Brazilian, Samoan, Japanese, Malaysian. We have to speak in English, but sometimes we do exchange our languages, for example, "ven conming" means “come here” in Spanish.  I had my Brazilian friends to teach me that. It's really interesting that I can learn many languages in New Zealand.


New Plymouth holds Taranaki Multi Ethnic Extravaganza every year. Taranaki is a coastal and mountainous region on the western side of New Zealand's North Island. On Saturday 3rd of March, the annual community event is to celebrate the diversity of residence of Taranaki. Many Taranaki nationalities proudly march in their national costumes, showcasing their languages and dances. It was a day full of colourful and magnificent representation of local cultures.  There were entertainments, craft and arts stalls, food stalls as well at children and family activities.


Next week, we are planning to Wellington, which is the capital city of NZ.  I am now very excited.



2/25にFish&chips nightというこの地域にいるインターナショナル生がお互いにコンタクトをとるためにビーチに集まるという企画に参加しました。中国、ブラジル、サモア、日本など、他にも様々な国から来た生徒が集まりました。英語を使って話しますが時々、お互いの言葉を教え合いました。"ven conming" はスペイン語で"こっちに来て"という意味でブラジル人の友達が教えてくれました。ニュージーランドで英語以外にも沢山の言語を知れるという事はとてもユニークだと思います。


ニュープリマスは毎年Taranaki Multi Ethnic Extravaganza というお祭りが開催されます。Taranakiとはニュージーランドの北島の地名で、私がいるニュープリマスはその中にあります。3/3に街中をパレードした後、屋外の会場で様々な文化の踊りなどが披露されたり、屋台で様々な国の料理を食べられます。民族衣装などを着てくる人も多いのでとても華やかです。着物を着て友達と歩いていたら会場スタッフの人に声をかけられ、舞台に上がることになった時は緊張しました。


