From Australia_Report on St. Andrew’s CC_180507
From Australia_Report on St. Andrew’s CC_180507
Sui Hirayama, a current exchange student who has been studying there at our Australian sister school, St. Andrew’s Catholic College, updated her Australia report with her deep thought about exchange for sharing it with you all. Her we go!!
G'day mates!! I'm Sui Hirayama from St Andrew's. In this report I would like to talk about my recent weekend and a little advice for students who are thinking of studying abroad.
Last Saturday, I went shopping with Ayana at Cairns Central, the main mall here. The first thing I noticed about this shopping mall was that it was full of many people from all over the world. I could hear many languages. Of course, English but with an American accent English, Chinese, Korean and sometimes Japanese and other languages. In the shopping mall where I often go to in Japan, costumers are basically Japanese and there are few foreigners, so it was interesting to hear many languages at one mall.
I had a really good time in the mall eating lunch, buying clothes, and looking around the pharmacy to buy organic cosmetics for our friends and family as souvenirs. I was also very happy to see familiar shops I often went to, when I lived in the US, such as “Target” and “Kmart”. We also found 100yen Daiso from Japan! On Sunday, my host family took me to the Japanese grocery store. I really miss Japanese food. I appreciated my host family taking me to these places. I bought “Ramem” and “Udon”. I saw my favourite snacks but did not buy them this time, so I already know what to buy when I return next time.
Next, I would like to talk about the story I experienced this week.
Have you ever thought how much your family, friends and teachers are supporting you? I thought that it was natural that my family, friends, and teachers encouraged and helped me when I was sad. However, there was an event last week that made me appreciate how much my family, friends, and teachers have supported me. During my second week in Australia I began to feel that I was being a bit of a burden on my buddy at school. It is difficult to understand and learn in English. “I didn't want to be a burden on my buddy, so l tried to quietly do things on my own". I had to ask my buddy so many questions and I became miserable because felt helpless and I couldn't do anything without my buddy. This feeling lasted about a week and this Wednesday it exploded. To be honest I felt that I could do more than I was doing but I was sad that I had to rely so much on someone else. All of these emotions erupted and I started crying in front of everyone. My buddy came to my rescue. When I told her what I was thinking she said to me that “it is natural that there is something you don't know. I'm your buddy so please rely on me.” I was very happy to hear that. That night I called my mum in Tokyo and talked about the day. She said the same thing as my buddy and also warned me that I must be more patient. This experience made me realise how much my family, friends, and teachers supported me with their encouragement and sometimes with their honesty. I would be very nervous presenting these feelings in person when I see everyone in front of me, so I will say it throughout this report.
I'm thankful for my friends who are always with me, the teachers who are very kind but sometimes teach me hard lessons, and my family who gave me the opportunity to participate in this study abroad program. For the rest of my 8 weeks in Australia, I will try my best not to be afraid of failures and think positively like the song “I'm sure it will be a nice day tomorrow," which is my favourite song from Yu Takahashi.
If year 10 or Junior High school students of Otsuma Nakano have the same experience as I have during their study abroad, please don't hold it to yourself but rather consult your buddy, host family, or your parents and friends in Japan. It is never embarrassing that there is something you don't know or understand and you must rely on others for help. I hope this report will provide some support for those that choose to study abroad.
Thank you for reading my report!!
皆さんこんにちは!セントアンドリュースの平山 翠です。今日は、先週の週末にやったことと留学を考えている高1や中学生の皆さんに留学生の先輩として少しアドバイスをさせていただければと思います。
私たちは、お昼ご飯を食べたり服を買ったり、友達や家族のお土産にオーガニックコスメを求めてショッピングモール内の薬局巡りをしたりとても楽しい時間でした。個人的には、アメリカに住んでいたときによく行っていたTargetというお店やKmart、そして皆さんおなじみの100円Daisoなど知っているお店を見つけたりできて嬉しかったです。日曜日は、ホストファミリーが日本食スーパーに連れて行ってくれました。日本食がとても恋しいです。ですから、このタイミングで日本食スーパーに連れて行ってくれたホストファミリーに感謝です! インスタントラーメンとうどんを買いました。今回は買わなかったのですが、私の好きなお菓子も並んでいました。次回行くときに買うものが決まっているので行くのが楽しみです。