
From America – Exchange at the University of Saint Joseph #7

From America – Exchange at the University of Saint Joseph #7_8/2_2018


Thursday morning started with perfect blue sky with humidity, which means that it would be expected to rain in the afternoon.  Yes, in fact, in the late afternoon, a shower reached us here.  But it made us feel refreshed.


In the morning, we had another American literature class by Professor Tami Fagan, which focused on a short story called “The Fly” by Katherine Mansfield.  Published in 1922, “The Fly” is often heralded as one of Katherine Mansfield’s finest short stories.  Students contemplated the symbolism of the Fly and how wars make us feel.


And then, now we moved on to a nursing lab to join these current nursing major students of the University of Saint Joseph for our practical nursing training class.  They actually tried to inject to doll patients and conduct medical examination with stethoscopes.  The nursing students there at the nursing lab always supported Otsuma Nakano students with how to use injection or some other medical tools.  This must be a very precious experience to them all.


In the afternoon, we took a short tour to Connecticut Historical Society and Museum.  This museum showcases the history of Connecticut from native American age to the current days.  A tour guide made very informative explanation about the way of life of native Americans, the British colonies’ era and the age of American Revolution.  All of us enjoyed this interesting tour to learn the history of Connecticut.



今日の午前中のクラスは、フェイガン教授のアメリカ文学授業の続きです。先生自らが案内してくれて、教室へ。テーブルを囲んで、キャサリン・マンスフィールドの傑作短編の一つ、The Flyを先生の説明とともに一緒に読みました。主人公の悲しみと一匹の蠅。戦争がもたらす悲しみに対して、蠅が象徴するものは何か、すなわち、文学におけるシンボリズム(象徴主義)について考えました。








